Christians Destined To Reign, Champions Of Faith: Todays - TopicsExpress


Christians Destined To Reign, Champions Of Faith: Todays schedule had the incorrect time for Maribel Jimenez, weve updated so you can be sure to tune-in! TODAY THURSDAY, JUNE 5th Visit DontWaitToBeGreatSummit and sign up today and receive the details on how to listen! Tune in TODAY to hear this incredible lineup. Todays lineup is incredible - dont wait a minute longer - sign up and tune in today! 11ET 10 CT 9MT 8PT Alex Mandossian Since 1991, Alex Mandossian has generated over $233 million in sales for his clients and partners via “electronic marketing” such teleseminars, radio, TV and the Internet… Alex has personally consulted Dale Carnegie Training, NYU, 1ShoppingCart Corp., Mutuals, Trim Spa and Sam’s Club. He has hosted teleseminars with many of the world’s top thought leaders such as Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield, Stephen Covey, Les Brown, Harv Eker, Donald Trump, Brian Tracy, Harvey Mackay and many others. He is the CEO of Heritage House Publishing, Inc. – a boutique electronic marketing and publishing company that “repurposes” written and spoken educational content for worldwide distribution. He has trained over 14,300 teleseminar students since 2002 and claims that practically any entrepreneur can transform their annual income into a weekly income once they apply his principle-centered electronic marketing strategies. Noon ET 11 CT 10 MT 9 PT Lisa Cherney Has been known as the Juicy Marketing Expert since 1999 and is founder of Conscious Marketing, Inc. Having worked with iconic brands like AT&T, Nissan and Lipton at top advertising agencies, it’s not a surprise that even leading marketing and sales experts turn to Lisa to cut through the hype and get to the heart of what they uniquely bring to the table. Lisa is a highly sought after speaker for top events like Lisa Sasevich’s Speak-to-Sell Bootcamp and Market Your Way to Wealth and she has shared the stage with experts such as Jack Canfield and John Assaraf (from The Secret). She is co-author of a book called Inspiration to Realization: A Women’s Guide to Business, Personal & Spiritual Fulfillment. Kim Yancey, President of eWomenNetwork called her, “One of the most brilliant marketers I know!” Robert Allen, author of multiple New York Times bestsellers including The One Minute Millionaire says, “Listen to everything Lisa Cherney says about marketing!” 1 ET Noon CT 1 MT 2 PT Maribel Jimenez Maribel Jimenez is an international speaker, bestselling author, and marketing mentor. She is founder of Creative Solutions Consulting, the New Superwoman community, and co-founder of Bake Your Book mentoring and her newest brand Your Dream Launch community. She works with Entrepreneurs, Coaches, and Consultants teaching how to launch to 6 & 7 figures with successful product and program launches. For the past 15 years, Maribel has written successful marketing campaigns, curriculum and training programs for multi-million dollar organizations and won numerous awards. Her passion is to help entrepreneurs tap into their greatness and create great prosperity in their business. She is the creator of the Dream Launch Formula: The 7 step system to create 5-figure launches and quickly grow your 6 & 7 figure business. Be sure to access your FREE Gift, 7 Steps to Launch Successfully and Attract your Favorite Clients e-series to support you in creating Your Dream LaunchTM below.Maribel Jimenez is an international speaker, bestselling author, and marketing mentor. She is founder of Creative Solutions Consulting, the New Superwoman community, and co-founder of Bake Your Book mentoring and her newest brand Your Dream Launch community. She works with Entrepreneurs, Coaches, and Consultants teaching how to launch to 6 & 7 figures with successful product and program launches. For the past 15 years, Maribel has written successful marketing campaigns, curriculum and training programs for multi-million dollar organizations and won numerous awards. Her passion is to help entrepreneurs tap into their greatness and create great prosperity in their business. 2 ET 1 CT Noon MT 11 PT Craig Duswalt Craig Duswalt is the creator of the RockStar System For Success - How to Achieve RockStar Status in Your Industry. Craigs background includes touring with Guns N Roses, as Axl Roses personal manager, and Air Supply, as the bands personal assistant. In his presentations, Craig shares numerous stories of his days with Guns N Roses and Air Supply, and behind-the-scenes encounters with some of the biggest names in entertainment; people like Bono, U2, Metallica, Queen, Kurt Cobain, Steven Tyler, Liz Taylor, Liza Minnelli, George Michael, David Bowie, Annie Lennox, Robert Plant, Elton John, Gianni Versace, Rolling Stones, Nine Inch Nails, Dave Navarro, Rick Springfield, Eddie Money, Michael Hutchense, and a bunch more. Craig was also an award-winning copywriter, working as a Creative Director for a Los Angeles-based ad agency until opening up his own ad agency, Green Room Design & Advertising, which was named the 2002 Santa Clarita Valley Chamber of Commerce Small Business of the Year. 3 ET 2 CT 1 MT Noon PT Tonya Hoffman CEO and founder of the Public Speakers Association, an international & national speaker, host of the “Change Your World” TV & Radio Show, Multi-Book Author, profit strategist, corporate and entrepreneurial educator, winner of the International eWomenNetwork conference 2008 Business Matchmaker of the Year Award, nominated for the upcoming 2014 Global Influencer of the Year Award for the Sales Strategy Summit, nominated for the Most Connected Person in Dallas by the Small Business Conference, nominated for the Austin’s Business Journal’s Profiles in Power and many others! Her focus has always been to help business professionals become more successful in Speaking, Sales, Marketing and How to Stand Out from Their Competition! 4 ET 3 CT 2 MT 1 PT Douglas Vermeeren Over the last decade Doug Vermeeren has conducted extensive first hand research into the lives of more than 400 of the world’s top achieverstoday. Countless media including ABC and FOX news call him the modern day Napoleon Hill, but there are some pretty significant differences between the work that each of them conducted. Since Napoleon Hill appeared on the scene a lot has changed. In Hill’s day he studied mostly innovators and investors. These inventors and innovators were the ones making the money and creating exciting change. The business models were primarily manufacturing and distribution of goods, commodities and the occasional new idea. But times have changed there are now a lot of new and different ways people are making money and business models that never even existed 100 years ago. Vermeeren expanded his research to include these and his findings have been astounding. Some of these new success stories included now athletes and celebrities, multinational corporations, network marketing companies, internet and technology companies and more! The world now moves at a pace that was unheard of 100 years ago. To create massive success requires powerful strategies implemented at a lightening pace.. In addition to expanding on the kinds of people and business models Napoleon Hill studied to create think and grow rich, many of the tools to study and pinpoint these strategies has also changed. In Napoleon’s day most of what could be studied was observable behaviors. We could see what a person did, speculate on why they did it and then try and hypothesize what they were thinking when they did it. But the story was somewhat incomplete. 5 ET 4 CT 3 MT 2 PT Sheryl Woloyck Since 1996, Sheryl Wolowyk – a successful serial entrepreneur – has created four multi-million dollar expert businesses. Each success -- one right after the other -- was created by following a simple, yet powerful operating style and philosophy. It is all about ESL. Make it Easy, Simple, and Lucrative. Today, Sheryl deploys the strength of her talent, experience and voice to inspire and guide aspiring experts to follow her lead to build lucrative businesses and influential brands all their own. She guides them to create lasting and fulfilling legacies that leave a profound and favorable mark on the world. Sheryl walks her own expert advice by amplifying her voice and message as Executive Producer and host of the ExpertPreneur™ Radio Show, airing on the Amazing Women of Power Radio Network, serving 3.5 million listeners worldwide. Sheryl is also creator, editor, and publisher of ExpertPreneur™ Magazine, selling on the Apple newsstand and Android Platforms in 155 countries. Action-focused aspiring experts rave about their success attracting clients, growing their revenues, and charging their worth as a direct result of the lessons they learn at Sheryl’s invitation. 6 ET 5 CT 4 MT 3 PT Adam Urbanski Adam Urbanski, founder of TheMarketingMentors, is a secret weapon behind some of today’s biggest entrepreneurial success stories. Tens of thousands of coaches, consultants and other professionals use his no-nonsense, easy to implement, step-by-step marketing strategies to turn their ideas into super successful businesses that make a big impact and generate profits fast! Best-selling author and known world-wide as the Millionaire Marketing Mentor®, Adam built his first multi-million dollar business in the fast food restaurant industry in just ten years after coming to the USA from Poland with only $194 and very limited ability to speak English! He’s known for his uncanny ability to quickly generate strategies that result in rapid profit explosions and many of today’s well-known marketing experts credit him for being the catalyst to their success. His most popular programs, like the Attract Clients Like Crazy® Marketing System, Big Ticket Sales Formula, Overnight Authority Marketing Secrets and Business Growth Navigator Program are used by professionals in dozens of service industries to flood their businesses with all the new clients they can handle. Today Adam’s company provides training, coaching and mentoring to thousands of smart coaches, consultants and business owners who want to quickly advance their companies to mid six figures and into the multi-million dollar empires. The Entire Schedule will Replay Beginning 8PM ET, 7PM CT, 6PM MT and 5PM PT Once you sign up you will also have access to audio replays for 24 additional hours AND Access to some incredible bonuses from our Master Teachers and Expert Guests Visit DontWaitToBeGreatSummit and sign up today! Visit DontWaitToBeGreatSummit and sign up today! You will immediately receive access to an exclusive interview with Lisa Sasevich along with free bonuses from our outstanding master teachers and special guest experts! Plus 24 hour replay access! Visit AmazingWomenofPower and click the flashing on-air banner! and/or Visit CareersFromTheKitchenTable and click the flashing on-air banner! LISTEN World Wide - Online, iTunes, and via your SmartPhone, iPad or iPhone. Visit awoptalk247 and click the Flashing ON Air Button to listen to the greatest in positive programming! Be sure to check out our amazing hosts amazingwomenofpower/radio/schedule AWOP is under the umbrella of Raven International Media Productions as: Amazing Women of Power Talk 24.7 Network Radio. The network consists of Raven’s award winning talk shows: “Women Power Radio” and “Careers From The Kitchen Table,” as well as her Celebrity Rave Reviews Talk show, plus up to 20 other Amazing talk show host shows ranging from empowerment, round table discussions, health, law of attraction, business finance, spirituality, family programming, as well as an ALL Men line up of shows on Fridays. Interested in hosting your show or being a guest on the network? Contact Raven toll-free at 800.431.0842 or email: radio@amazingwomenofpower We love social media too! Connect with us on FACEBOOK by clicking here. To Listen to the network LIVE - JUST CLICK HERE Have a prosperous day! Raven Blair Davis. Host/Executive Producer/Host Khaliq Glover Marketing Extraordinaire Peggy Knudson Program Director/VA Jaemi Boone Assistant Program Director/Engineer Raven International AmazingWomenofPower WomenPower-Radio CareersFromTheKitchenTable Empowering women over 40 to go for their dreams and visions - Life is just beginning! If you are a business owner and would like to air a 30 to 60 second commercial during Ravens show, call Raven at 800.431.0842. All commercials remain in each interview for a minimum of six months and for celebrity interviews a minimum of a year. You will also receive a MP3 recording. To hear empowering and inspiring interviews visit: AWOPTalk247 and Unstoppable Women of Power This email was sent to mary7god@aol why did I get this? unsubscribe from this list update subscription preferences Raven International · 11805 Meadowglen Lane #1208 · Houston, TX 77082 · USA
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 17:27:28 +0000

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