Christians & Kool-Aid. Sometimes I think people who claim to know - TopicsExpress


Christians & Kool-Aid. Sometimes I think people who claim to know and quote the bible more than others are driven by misinterpretation, arrogance and self righteousness rather than the good intentions and adherence to the gospel they attest to abide by. I dont say this as a critic of the Christian faith but as someone who is a part of it. Everyone seems to have an interesting take on scripture—for some its literal, for others its metaphoric, and for most its both. Whether our faith is influenced and informed by our pastors or friends, our family or our own interpretations, we grandstand and parade our seemingly superior grasp of the Gospel in front of those we think are less enlightened. It’s ironic really, we do the very thing the Bible warned us not to—co-opting and corrupting God’s word, passing judgment, and being the sinners that cast the first stone. We take God’s word and dilute it with our own political, social, and personal agendas. Like mixing a pitcher of Kool-Aid, we take the gospel—holy water—and mix it with sugar and cherry flavored powder—our arrogance and self righteousness—and begin sipping and sharing this thirst quenching mixture with anyone willing to believe it’s good for them. Sincerely, Kwapi Vengesayi | Twitter @kwapiv
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 20:34:34 +0000

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