Christians and Muslims: My Take. Feel free to let me know if I - TopicsExpress


Christians and Muslims: My Take. Feel free to let me know if I missed anything. Background: I get it, youre probably more familiar with Christians in America, we have been the majority religion here in the United States since inception. We all know the bible has crazy stories that are so far fetched and unbelievable. We know the old testament is filled with crazy laws of the jewish people, mass destruction and death. However we also know the science has proved many of these events a reality even as far back as the great Exodus. I dont know if its all true, that only thing science has really proven to say is untrue is the expected age of the earth. Pretty sure that doesnt discount everything else. Christians really believe in Jesus. He came and told us how we misinterpreted the laws. We were not holding true to the Ideals of Love, Forgiveness and Acceptance. This is what the Christian faith is based on. Jesus wasnt fictional, hes documented in Roman and Jewish history books, the jewish faith doesnt recognize him as their savior, but theyre also the one that had him executed. However many jews of the day did, because Jesus himself was of course a Jew, and told them to accept all people like gentiles (non-jews) who were hated at the time. Most people have never actually read about him, he was the kindest and wisest man Ive ever read from - His words are how people recognize him. Christians, Jews, Muslims, all have a similar history if you dont know. Abraham from the old testament, very late in life he was told by God he would father children and he would be the father of nations. With his wife at a very old age too, he slept with his servant and fathered a son named Ishmael. God said no, you will father a son with your wife and he will be called Isaac. This is the split between Jews and Muslims, both recognizing Abraham as the father of their nations. I also know that in the name of religion, wars have been fought. Especially against the muslims, kinda like they are today. More people died in the crusades than every American war weve ever had added together. If you study the Prophet Mohammad, even though he lead a holy way, youll find he was very peaceful and even tried to unite the religions that all believed in one God. However this is not obviously the practice today. Now to my point. Muslims have Jihadist Radicals and the majority of muslims that practice peace. Hezbollah, ISIS, Al Queda, etc, in surveys its shown 20% of Muslims believe its ok to kill non-muslims. Most Muslims believe what ISIS is doing is wrong, but so many wouldnt dare publicly condemn them. Now give me the worst Christians - Westboro Baptist Maybe? Theyre total weirdos and Ill condemn them all day. End of Story. Now maybe you say, I dont believe in any God. Dont worry, those Islamic Muslims (And they are Muslims) Still want to cut off your head. They cant wait to do it actually. How many Christians want to cut off your head for not believing in their faith? So I dont say fear Muslims, I accept them and love them as my beliefs state that I do. What muslim am I talking to? My simple and only question to decide if I should protect myself against them - Do you condemn the actions of ISIS? If they do not, than that person is ok if those muslims cut off your head too. Just saying.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 15:18:37 +0000

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