Christians are the largest religious group in the world and always - TopicsExpress


Christians are the largest religious group in the world and always have been. We have our own righteous army. We are seeing it as it is - a permanent war on evil and darkness. How shameful and weak a religion Islam is. Not only dont they know Jesus as God, but they are unproductive, illiterate and racist whiners and snivelers. The best would be to keep an eye in them, spy on them, bug their mosques and listen to their calls. Bug the prison system and keep abreast of the chatter. Start preparing to round up anyone with a Muslim name so that when the timing is right we can intern them in camps. This administration is the cause of a lot of this that should have already been nipped in the bud. Also bug any sympathizers of Islam - do this globally. Indonesia was never a true friend and neither was Russia or China or North Korea. Africa has never been friendly nor the middle east. This is a world war of principalities. It is time for the south to stand up and get rid of this horrible mistake electing a president with a Muslim name who sides with them way too much. The amalgamation of the races with the white man has lead to a weakening of America and Christianity globally. We have had enough. Islam needs to remember the Christian Crusaders, KKK, IRA and our own bikers and truckers, hillbillies and red necks, mostly all white elite military units foaming at the bit to get a real president that will turn them loose. When the white man lets other religions and races in, he should do his homework. If they come here to hide behind our military industrial complex while soaking up entitlements and the good life, we should put an end to it. Draft them in special units to go destroy their own kind or be shot as traitors. Effeminate administration - commie, gay, Islam lovers. Draft them all and parachute them right in the thick of the fight - drone shoot them if they traitor or cower. Let them do time in real prisons where real Americans can deal with them honky style at our whim. Get ready to trap them all and warm up the trains: America, England, France, Germany and others can follow suit.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 18:43:30 +0000

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