Christians around the world should be in prayer for the nation of - TopicsExpress


Christians around the world should be in prayer for the nation of Israel, as they fight a shooting war against the Islamic Terrorists, Hamas, for the survival of their nation. Although this war is being waged worldwide, by Muslims from Nigeria to the United States, Israel does not have the luxury of a false belief in peaceful co-existence with this demonic group of religious fanatics. They have slaughtered Christians in Iraq, with the ISIS invasion, and driven all non-Muslims from their homelands by the tens of thousands. It is estimated that over 170,000 Christians were martyred for their faith in 2013, and the number is expected to be greater in 2014. With our Muslim-sympathizing president, and politically correct liberal media police, we are becoming a greater target for Islamic terrorism by the day. However, nothing that is going on in the world today is as great a threat as the destruction of Israel as a nation. Iran has sworn to this mission, as well as Turkey and now, Qatar. Within months Iran is expected to have a nuclear weapon, a development we have only slowed down, not eliminated. When that happens, it will only be a matter of time until Saudi Arabia and other Islamic states, including terrorist groups, will have access to them. All the while, the United States, under the “lead from behind” president, Barack Obama, continues to reduce our military strength, and betray our friends to who we have pledged our support in the past. The world is a much more dangerous place today than it was in 2008. What can we Americans do about this worldwide situation and threat? Answer: Turn back to God. This is the real source of our strength, and the solution to the worldwide spread of violent aggression by the Muslims. There is only one thing they respect: power, and that is the kind that comes out of the barrel of a gun. Israel is demonstrating that today, with every response to the rockets that are continually being fired upon their nation. There are some people who do not deserve to live on this earth: those who place their own children in the line of fire as shields for their aggression. It is reported that the command center of Hamas in Gaza is under a hospital, where the wounded are treated. Rockets into Israel have been fired from a UN school, and a shelter. Make no mistake about it, if it were possible, the Muslims would literally eliminate every Jew is Israel. We must stand with Israel in every way possible, as they fight at the point of the spear in this worldwide battle. World War III started on nine-eleven, 2012; the good news is, we win. There are many battles to be fought, but the final outcome has already been determined. God’s people, including Israel, who will look upon him whom they have pierced and worship Him, will prevail over the false prophet and his forces. Now, it is time to do our part and lift up Israel every day in our prayers, and lend our influence to their victory in this battle. Billy Falling, Pastor and Headmaster, The Internet Church International, P.O. Box 440, Chula Vista, CA 91912.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 04:47:33 +0000

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