Christians have received a bad name by those who arent truly - TopicsExpress


Christians have received a bad name by those who arent truly Christians aka have The Heart of JESUS. We dont Come to Know JESUS through reading a book but through suffering and having nothing to help us then our hearts turn to JESUS and we find He has always been there. To know JESUS is to know Him in and through our hearts. He is Real. In us, me and you that have Jesuss heart living inside of us, may we show others what its TRULY LIKE TO FOLLOW JESUS W OUR HEARTS. Ever consider that we struggle for others just as JESUS struggled for us? Think about this for a moment. To understand why we are asked to SHINE LIGHT ONTO THE WEAK, TORN, LONELY we must first know what it means to be weak, torn and lonely. JESUS did the same for us, and why I believe behind our sufferings, we walk with JESUS in taking our struggles and transforming them through The Hope for Others. I see everything through the eyes of JESUS though. Hes transformed me while in darkness so I could grow in spirit my Light and then Shine onto others in my heart that live with the same struggle. Thats how I see us. We are chosen to be The Light amidst darkness. JESUS says, The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:5 So when we feel alone, remember so did JESUS but behind His suffering and our suffering is PURPOSE for all of us, but JESUS wants to free the weak so relies upon the weak in flesh that are strong in THE SPIRIT. Who are the Warriors? We are! And why are we warriors? Because we have A Will of The Spirit unlike anything anyone has ever seen.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 13:34:50 +0000

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