Christians, remember, our salvation that comes from Christ is a - TopicsExpress


Christians, remember, our salvation that comes from Christ is a free gift through repentance, confession, and baptism, which none of us earned. It was freely given to us when we accepted Jesus Christ as our God and Savior. Some Christians believe that once they have confessed Jesus with their mouth, that their salvation is a done deal. Most churches teach Christianity this way to soothe a Believers heart and make them assured that they will never, ever experience the torments of hell (even after living a very sinful and disobedient life to Gods Word and His Commandments as a professed Believer). Their congregations are growing by the thousands, meanwhile thousands of misled souls are also going to hell. And, if you turn on the TV to the Christian or Inspirational channels, a great majority of preachers preach this as well - maybe because they heard another preacher say that, or they do not know for themselves. Brothers and Sisters, I want to warn you that this is not true, and you need to work out your own soul salvation with fear and with trembling (Philippians 2:12). That means that you should live your life in a constant state of humility, daily repentance if needed, and daily communion with God (through His Holy Spirit and truth of His Word) in the reverential fear of the Lord. Also, as I read in Matthew 7:22-23, God will say to some Christians depart from me even after all that they have done supposedly in His name - because someone told them that their salvation was an automatic ticket to heaven. You must rely on Gods strength, trust in Gods Word, obey ALL Gods commandments, become holy and righteous like God through the shed Blood of Jesus Christ, reside in repentance, and hold on to the faith that God is with you every step of the way (as His Word says that He will never leave you or forsake you Matthew 28:20, Hebrews 13:5). The bible tells us that he who endures to the end (endured in holiness and righteousness), the same shall be saved (Matthew 24:13).
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 22:12:11 +0000

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