Christians who believe they are basically jews, because they - TopicsExpress


Christians who believe they are basically jews, because they basically have the same values, prove 2 things. A: They dont understand even the most basic concepts of either Religion. B: That the Jews have successfully destroyed Christs message that apparently made such and impact on the World. Christianity is a way of Life, solely based on Honesty, Morality, Loving each other, being Kind and helpful to one another, and whether people can acknowledge it or not, an honest money system. Which is why the Bible explicitly states USURY is a Sin.. Judaism is the Polar opposite, Judaism promotes loaning to the Goyim thru Usury- but not thy Brother. Judaism promotes the unrestrained egoism of every Jew. Judaism promotes the fallacy that Jews are Gods chosen and somehow better than all other Peoples. After all, if Jesus was a Jew, and like all the others he would have remained a Jew, and there would have never been a Religion based on Morality launched in his name... Of course nobody that believes they are a Christian would ever listen to anything I say, because they have been taught to judge the person, not the message, should anyone arise with different views/understanding..
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 00:44:34 +0000

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