Christina Ngo and that includes my own ego.... Like · Reply · - TopicsExpress


Christina Ngo and that includes my own ego.... Like · Reply · 47 mins Mat Stephenson Ego is essential, you just gotta stop it from being in control Like · Reply · 28 mins Christina Ngo essential? Like · Reply · 27 mins Mat Stephenson In this stage of evolution, yes. We are slowly moving away from the ego, but it is essential for the transition. Like · Reply · 25 mins Christina Ngo dunno what ego really.... all i know is when i am spinning in my head i am really unpleasant to be around..... and when i am not in that state, am just a lot happier and feel a lot more in control and pleasant too Like · Reply · 24 mins Mat Stephenson Thats because you are in control Although those emotions dont feel nice, they are essential to the human experience, Without the extreme lows, how is it possible to contrast them with the extreme highs? Like · Reply · 21 mins Mat Stephenson Its like a roller coaster, if it just keeps going up and up, where is the fun? Like · Reply · 20 mins Christina Ngo how do we know we need the extremes to appreciate the moderate? how do we know if we are addicted to the drama, the ego.... too addicted to them to let go... and what if saying we need it is more justification? that said, I dont want to be in sacrificial mode either.... am i making any sense? Like · Reply · 19 mins Christina Ngo well going up and up.... could be relatively fun, couldnt it? i mean I have never heard of a peaceful heart wanting to be anything other than peaceful.... Like · Reply · 17 mins · Edited Mat Stephenson I know this because I have experienced the extreme lows, and I know in my heart that without them I wouldnt be who I am today. The happiest and smartest people of the world have all gone through suffering. Can you think of anyone you look up to who hasnt experienced suffering and pain? Unlike · Reply · 2 · 17 mins Mat Stephenson Speak to any ex addict and they will tell you, going up and up is not fun in the end. Unlike · Reply · 1 · 14 mins Christina Ngo ive experienced pain and suffering.... and have become pretty intense.... and yes, i have moments of pure spontaneous joy though i have no idea sometimes where that came from.... but when it does happen, the laughter, the smiles, and buoyancy..... i a...See More Like · Reply · 1 · 9 mins Mat Stephenson Its gonna get hard I can guarantee that, It will always get bad before it gets good, The best thing you can do is stay strong and remember that you have people out that care for you, and are there if you ever need them. Ive still got lots of work to do myself, but I stay strong, and always look towards the future. Unlike · Reply · 1 · 6 mins Christina Ngo i suppose going up and up is relative to the particular circumstance Like · Reply · 1 · 6 mins Christina Ngo the challenge also is for my true friends and loved ones who survive my drama... and to be aware enough to appreciate those still left standing.... though i dont recommend this as a method of determining who will stick to you like glue. its a tough and rough road for all involved.....
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 04:31:35 +0000

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