Christmas Letter from the National Day of Prayer and Worship - TopicsExpress


Christmas Letter from the National Day of Prayer and Worship Dear friends! As we approach the dawn of a New Year, I say Thank you so much for standing alongside the National Day of Prayer and Worship throughout this year with your faithful prayers, hosting an event as part of our Joining the Dots tour, welcoming a team to your town or region as part of the UK South Korean Prayer Mission or coming to Leicester for the fantastic and equipping National Prayer School We simply could not have push the boundaries without the support of each and every person taking part, so again thank you! 2014 has been a year where I have continued to see the temperature of intercession rise in the UK, as people renewed their personal commitment to prayer, as families rooted prayer at the heart of their home life and the churches moved from having stoic religious systems to having regular encounters with God. As I travel these family of Isles, taking phone calls from church leaders, activists and intercessors, I keep hearing the same thing; people are uniting together intentionally to pray and listen to God and move forward in mission for their region and neighbourhoods. Its hard to believe that Joining the Dots was launched for its second year in the House of Parliament in February. At that Celebration we were able to launch the Joining the Dots edition of The Word for Today, published by our partners, UCB and which we have distributed to thousands of people. We also announced the South Korean Prayer Mission, We prayed and committed 2014 to God for us to be open to His prompting. Since then, I have visited another 50 towns and cities as part of the Joining the Dots tour with the team taking our total visits to well over 200 regions, towns, villages and networks since Wembley. We partnered with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Neighbourhood Prayer Network, the Evangelical Alliance, Urban Saints, Voice in the City, and many local networks in 2014 to raise the bar of unity and extend the Kingdom of God. 2014 has been a significant step towards the Awakening coming to these Isles. We are witnessing more collaboration across the churches as well as many people coming to faith as a result of united prayer and mission. I believe the National Prayer School was a game changer for the prayer movement in this country as we encouraged more Prayer Altars across the land and empowered Leaders to claim the authority for their city. I look forward to being able to share more in the New Year about how the National Day of Prayer and Worship will be resourcing and equipping the UK church to do that and also details of another South Korean Prayer Mission! In the Christmas narrative, we read the story of the Wise men coming from afar to join the Jews to worship Jesus. I believe the same prophetic message is happening today in Britain as the International Global churches unite with the Indigenous British churches to lift up and worship The King of Kings! This I believe will herald the last Great Awakening in these Isles before the Second Coming. I pray that all of us will enter into the true spirit of Christmas, kneeling before God and praising Him for His awesome plan of salvation for all mankind Joy to the World....!! Have a blessed and joyful Christmas. Dr Jonathan Oloyede Convenor of the National Day of Prayer and Worship
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 14:39:34 +0000

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