Christmas. Part 3 Where did this Christmas thing come from? - TopicsExpress


Christmas. Part 3 Where did this Christmas thing come from? From the Bible or Babylonian paganism? Should we as believers promote Santa Claus...Christmas trees and the custom of exchanging gifts? Many are concerned about keeping Christ in or putting “Christ back into Christmas.” I question if He was ever there. Long before Dec. 25, peoples thoughts are turned to the Christmas rush...Christmas Pageants are rehearsed, parties are being planned, evergreens are being spied out to be ornamented and gift buying is starting to be in full swing as a result of Christs birth. Isnt it the time that professing Christians focus on Jesus Christ. After all, it is the “Christ-mass” season! Christmas is celebrated by most people as a good time, focusing people on giving, family togetherness, beautiful music and decorations, feasting on special foods and singing Christmas carols throughout the neighborhood. All of this is supposedly centered around the worship of Christ. Now is there anything inherently wrong with these activities...maybe not. But, if it is something that Jesus designed or wanted surely the Bible instructs us in it...right? Why do people think that Christmas is godly? Most people never reflect on why they believe what they believe or do what they do. We live in a world filled with customs, but few ever understand the origin of what those customs are. We generally accept the customs we participate in without question. Most people basically believe and do what is done by the people they associate with! Lets examine the roots of the tree and why people follow the customs associated with it. Why is it kept on December 25th? Did early believers keep it? Is it mentioned anywhere in the New Testament. Was it ever observed by Paul, the apostles or the early Believers, if not, ought Christs followers be so caught up in the festivities? The idea that Jesus was born December 25th, is one of the fables Paul prophesied in 2 Tim. 4:4 would deceive the world in these latter days. The truth is, Christmas is NOT Christs birthday. And this festival, important as it is to so many religious people, is not of Christian origin, but of Babylonish origin! But so what, you may say. Isnt it all right to go ahead and observe it anyway as long as we emphasize the birth of Christ? Isnt the Christmas SPIRIT a good thing, regardless of how it got started? Lets explore some more. Should believers practice the debauchery of Babylon and taking part it its practicies? Christmas is more of a money making season than it is the Christ Child season. Its sponsored, kept alive, by the retail advertising campaigns racking in the billions of dollars for the merchants coffers. You see a Santa Claus (figment of a delusional reprobate mind) in the various shops to validate the buying of gifts for the kids. Ads keep us deluded in the delusion about the beautiful Christmas Spirit of giving so as to buy their merchandize as gifts. The media, who sell the ads, preset flowery pictorials exalting and eulogizing the pagan season, and its spirit of deception. Gullible christian people have become so inoculated by this deception, many take offense when told the truth and try to explain it away the fact that there is no Biblical precedent for it! But the Christmas Spirit is created each year, not to honor Christ, but for merchandizing! Like all Satans delusions, it appears as an angel of light, is made to appear righteous by dressing it in the cloak of spirituality by associating the birth of our Savior with it. Billions are spent in this merchandising, money wasting event every year, while the poor and the cause of Christ suffers! Its part of the economic system of BABYLON! More than two months prior to the season you will see homes decorated with Christmas ornamentation, mistletoe, and Christmas trees; department stores are adorned with Christmas lights and echo with the sound of Christmas songs; and post offices are inundated with greeting cards and boxes of gifts. Almost universally, shoppers will swarm the stores, gift-hunting for their friends and loved ones. Young children especially will look forward to receiving gifts from Santa Claus, that benevolent, bigger-than-life father figure who supposedly visits them once a year with his reindeer and comes down the chimney and eats the cookies and drinks the milk that is laid out for him. No wonder the dude is pictured as a fat dude! How can Christians, take part in such debauchery and claim that it is honoring to God! Where did this Christmas thing come from? Is It Really the Birthday of Christ? Many Christians believe that the Christmas season sums up the concept of God and the coming of the Christ Child. But how true is this belief? a search the Bible fails to find any mention of it. There is no mention of Santa Claus, holly wreaths, mistletoe or Christmas trees. Look for Jesus or His disciples celebrating is not there. Look for Jesus instruction that we should commemorate the day of His birth...again the Bible is silent. Look for proof that He was born on December will find zilch. Jesus told His disciples to remember His death by partaking of the Communion, but He was completely silent about remembering or celebrating His birthday. There is no record in the New Testament that the early believers ever celebrated Christmas. If God had wanted us to celebrate Christs birthday, would He not have instructed us to do so, especially if it is as important as religion considers it to be`? The Bible plainly does not reveal the date of Christs birth. And from its records Jesus was not born in winter. Luke states that in the night that He was born, there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night (Lk 2:8). In October or November, the winter rains and cold weather begin in Judea. Up to this time, the flocks would have been in the open fields. But once the rainy season begins, the shepherds can no longer be out in the field until the winter months are over. In fact, the celebration of Christmas originated before Christianity. As the Encyclopedia Britannica informs us, Christmas customs are an evolution from times that long antedate the Christian period...a descent from seasonal, pagan, religious and national practices, hedged about with legend and tradition (15th ed., s.v. Christmas).
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 16:37:14 +0000

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