Christmas Time In Bexley E. T. Brother Im sure youve all heard - TopicsExpress


Christmas Time In Bexley E. T. Brother Im sure youve all heard the story or seen, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, well this is the story of a real-life grinch, he tried to ruin Christmas. It took place in simpler times, long ago, in the small town of Bexley. This is the story of Jimmy Cole, he was a chubby, plump fellow. He looked a little like Santa Claus, but that is where the comparison stopped, in looks only. Jimmy Cole was nothing like Santa Claus, he was not jolly, his stomach did not shake like a bowl full of jelly, because he never laughed, ever. Jimmy was a mean, nasty, foul fellow, a real stinker, who was always up to much foolishness. He was always trying to make other peoples lives miserable, he was happiest, when others suffered. Jimmy was a real Scrooge of a fellow, he knew how to pinch a penny until it squealed, he was always looking for ways to save a buck, even if it wasnt quite legal the way that he saved a buck. Jimmy wasnt above stealing, in fact he rather enjoyed it, especially if it caused others grief. There was no getting around it, he loved to make others suffer. Jimmy despised Christmas, he hated to see others joyful, he even thought that there should be a law against it, it just wasnt right. One year Jimmy decided to do something about it, to make sure that no one had a joyful Christmas, he wanted to make sure that all had an absolutely rotten Christmas. Jimmy came up with a despicable plan, an absolutely nasty plan, so that everyone in Bexley would be as miserable on Christmas morning as he was. The plan was a simple one, Jimmy would steal all the presents from the center while everyone slept, and steal the food as well. It was a good plan, because everyone in Bexley celebrated Christmas in the center, all the presents and food were there, and if it all disappeared in the night, then no one would have a joyful, jolly Christmas. Jimmy headed to the center after midnight, broke in, and stole all of the presents and food. He ransacked the place, made an absolute mess of it, and had a wonderful time doing it. Jimmy was happier than he had been in years, destroying the decorations, trashing the tree, breaking things, and stealing everything. Jimmy was in high spirits, he hadnt been this happy in years, if ever. Jimmy imagined all of the sad faces that he would see on Christmas, and it made him even happier. Jimmy even laughed out loud a few times, although he would never admit such a thing, never in this life, but he was happy. When Jimmy finished up, he got out of town, and got rid of all of the presents. He stashed them in a safe place, so he could go through them later, to see if he could find anything that he would like, anything useful to him. Once Jimmy had gotten everything stashed safely, he went home to await the hour, so he could watch the displeasure and suffering that would surely follow. When the hour finally arrived, Jimmy went to town. He planned to watch with interest, from a distance, the displeasure, suffering, and misery of all in Bexley. Soon after Jimmy arrived and begin to watch, people began to arrive, and entered the center with haste, because it was a cold, and dreary day. Jimmy waited and listened, giddy with excitement, and getting more excited with each person who arrived. Jimmy waited and waited, listening for the cries of alarm and misery that would soon begin, but nothing happened, nothing at all. No cries of alarm or misery arose, not a peep was heard, not even one. Soon Jimmy could stand it no longer, he had to find out what was going on, he had to see the misery and disappointment that had to be on everyones faces. He couldnt wait a moment longer, the suspense was too much. Jimmy crept out of hiding, approached the center, and looked in the window. He was astounded by what he saw, he couldnt believe his eyes, it had to be a mistake, it could not be true. There was no sadness, no misery, no disappointment on anyones face. Everyone looked happy, they were cleaning up the mess, and they all seemed happy. Jimmy couldnt believe it. People were smiling, patting each other on the back, and even laughing. Jimmy couldnt understand it, it wasnt possible, why was everyones happy, there had to be a mistake. Jimmy was furious, how could they be so happy, he had ruined Christmas, why werent they sad? Jimmy spun around, stopped in his tracks, and looked down at a couple of small children. They were both small, they couldnt be any older than six, and they were looking up at him. There was one each, a boy and a girl, they looked like twins. They were both smiling at Jimmy. Jimmy looked at them, with them smiling, and he frowned at them. Their smiles got bigger, Jimmy`s frown got deeper, and became a scrowl. Merry Christmas, the two children said, almost as one. Merry Christmas, what is so merry about it? Jimmy growled. Its Christmas, everyone is together, and everyones happy. That is what makes it merry, the little girl said. But Christmas is ruined, all the presents and food are gone, and the center is the mess. How can people be happy, they should be mad, they should be sad, they should be miserable, Jimmy said. Christmas isnt about presents, its about spending time with others, its about helping others who are less fortunate, the children said. Who told you that foolishness? Christmas is about presents and only presents. It has nothing to do with spending time together, or helping others, its all about the presents. Everyone should be upset, I dont understand how everyone can be so happy, Christmas should be ruined, Jimmy said. Daddy told us what Christmas is really all about, you have it all wrong. Christmas is about giving, sharing, and spending time together with the people that you love, the children said. That is pure nonsense, plain and simple, Jimmy said. People began to sing in the center, the children waved at Jimmy, and ran toward the door, as someone called for them. Bye, Merry Christmas, the children said, as they ran off. Jimmy growled, turned toward the window, and looked in. He was furious with what he saw, everyone seemed to be happy, they were singing, and joyous. Jimmy looked on in disgust for several moments, then walked off, he couldnt believe that everyone was so happy and joyous with all the presents being stolen. Jimmy walked for a while, thinking about all that had happened, trying to be mad, but an interesting thing happened as he walked. Jimmy kept thinking about what those two children had said. Christmas is about spending time with those you love, it kept going around and around in his head, it wouldnt stop. Jimmy growled, frowned, and scrowled, but the thoughts persisted, they wouldnt go away, no matter what he tried. Soon the words took hold in his heart, even though he tried to resist, they wouldnt go away. Jimmy finally stopped walking, his scrowl began to shrink, and soon it was replaced with only a frown. Maybe they have it right, maybe friends are what matter, not presents. I have no friends, I havent ever wanted any, or even tried to get any. Maybe that is my problem, Im not loved, and I love no one. Maybe the children do have it right, and I have it wrong. The thing that has always brought me joy, is to make others suffer, but that joy doesnt last for long. Maybe I ought to give the childrens way a try, Jimmy thought. Jimmy stood where he was for just a moment, then he shook his head yes. Yeah, Ill give their way a try, Jimmy thought. The frown vanished and was replaced with a smile. The smile felt very odd at first, very strange, because Jimmy seldom smiled, but he kept smiling. The smile began to feel more natural, and the smile began to grow, until it lit up his whole face. Jimmy headed to where he had stashed all the presents, gathered them up, and headed to town. When Jimmy got to town, he grabbed a few presents, and entered the center, with his head hung low and a frown on his face. The singing stopped at once, as Jimmy walked in. He slowly looked up, expecting the worst, but what he saw surprised him. All eyes were on him, just as he had expected, but everyone was smiling, which wasnt what Jimmy had expected at all. Jimmy stood where he was for a moment longer, then lowered his head again. I stole the presents and tried to ruin Christmas, Im ashamed to admit, Jimmy said. Even though Jimmy had spoken softly, everyone had heard what he said. Jimmy heard movement, and knew everyone was walking toward him. Jimmy looked up, expecting to see an angry mob coming for him, but everyone was smiling. Jimmy was surprised, he took a step back, then everyone was surrounding him. People began to pat them on the back, wish him a Merry Christmas, and welcome him in. The presents are all outside, we have to get them in, Jimmy said. Well get them in, you join the party, and enjoy yourself, someone said, and the door opened behind Jimmy. Many went out to get the presents, the rest led Jimmy further into the building, and all wished him a Merry Christmas. Someone put a Santa hat on Jimmy`s head, patted him on the back, and told him it looked just right. The presents were brought in, Jimmy began to warm up from the cold, and his heart also began to warm up. Presents were exchanged, Christmas songs were sung, and everyone had a fine time. Most agreed, when it was all said and done, that this Christmas was the best Christmas ever. Jimmy became an upstanding citizen in the community, he made friends, and was picked to play Santa Claus from then on, each Christmas day. That Christmas day is still talked about to this day, in the town of Bexley, even though Jimmy Cole has long since went to his grave. The people of Bexley still remember it fondly, and tell the story to their children each Christmas day, it is what keeps Christmas time in Bexley so special. #### The End
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 20:50:42 +0000

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