Christmas after the loss of a loved The word Christmas - TopicsExpress


Christmas after the loss of a loved The word Christmas is synonymous not only with gifts and food, but also with spending time with loved ones. But after a loved one has passed away (or is missing), there’s an empty seat at the table, and a vacant spot under the Christmas tree where his or her gifts would usually be. Perhaps it’s been like that for years. You get Christmas cards with words like ‘Merry’ and ‘Joy’ expressing a season of happiness, but these words are illusive as you consider just how much you miss you loved one. Your raw emotions resurface as you reminisce happier times. You are not alone in your grief. Every single day Christmas .Literally thousands of people will be facing their first Christmas without their loved one. And while over the years the intensity of the grief subsides, the Christmas season reawakens our sorrow. As I decorate our Christmas tree I have a little cry as it reminds me of when My brother and I used to decorate the tree togetherwhen we were young , and its been 2 in a half months since his passing! The hole in your heart suddenly becomes very evident at this time of the year, doesn’t it? .When a person who you love so much, who is such a key person in your life, is sucked out of it, it leaves a huge hole. That hole is the shape of that person. No other person can ever fill that space for you – never.” So how do those of us who have lost loved ones, embrace the spirit of Christmas once again? One of the ways you can face Christmas without a loved one is to reconnect themselves to them. How can you do that? Here’s some ideas: Keep using their name Tell each other stories and talk about the happy memories Have a photo printed and put in a new frame and place it in a prominent place in your home. Buy a gold locket and place his or her photo in it Tatttoo his or her name on your arm Write a letter to your loved one Make a scrap book about the life of your loved one Take some fresh flowers to their grave Release sky lanterns with messages to their loved one Write a song, poem, blog or a book about your bereavement journey Write on a memorial website Buy a Camibear to cuddle (with a tin heart to contain a loved one’s ashes or keepsakes) Plant a tree on her or his hounor Make a photo Christmas tree decoration The money you would have spent on that loved one – donate it to a Charity organization Most importantly, don’t grieve alone. Reach out for support from friends, family, workmates and neighbours. Let them know how you are feeling. Try not to bottle up your feelings. . Human beings are not designed to internalize emotions. Emotions need to be expressed. It really helps to have a good cry. In her book, ‘Sweet Bitter Love” . Tears are God’s gift to us; our holy water. They heal us as they flow. There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief and unspeakable love.” Junior aka Felix the Cat I miss you dearing watching your mother grief is sad too. But we will remember your voice .What are you going to bring me to eat?
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 21:49:16 +0000

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