Christmas and Syncretism (Free Puritan and Reformed Resources) - TopicsExpress


Christmas and Syncretism (Free Puritan and Reformed Resources) 7 FREE MP3s: History of Holy Days (Sabbath, Lords Day, Christmas, Easter, etc.) by Dr. Steven Dilday puritandownloads/history-of-holy-days-sabbath-lords-day-christmas-easter-etc-by-dr-steven-dilday/ Much needed preaching in our day, when many Protestants worship more like Roman Catholics than like the best Reformers. This sermon contains much important Scriptural and historical information. puritandownloads/history-of-holy-days-sabbath-lords-day-christmas-easter-etc-by-dr-steven-dilday/ All human inventions which are set up to corrupt the simple purity of the Word of God, and to undo the worship which he demands and approves, are true sacrileges, in which the Christian man cannot participate without blaspheming God, and trampling his honour underfoot. - John Calvin on the Puritan Hard Drive Top Ten Puritan Hard Drive Reviews (So Far) What Is the Real Meaning of Christmas?puritandownloads/christmas-is-a-roman-catholic-missions-strategy/. Is Easter Biblical? (Free MP3s, Books, etc.) My heart burned within me as I discovered truths from hundreds of years ago. - Pastor Phil Gibson (UK) on the Puritan Hard Drive Christmas was not celebrated by the apostolic church. It was not celebrated during the first few centuries of the church. As late as A.D. 245, Origen (Hom. 8 on Leviticus) repudiated ...the idea of keeping the birthday of Christ, as if he were a king Pharaoh. By the middle of the 4th century, many churches in the Latin west were celebrating Christmas. During the 5th century, Christmas became an official Roman Catholic holy day. In A.D. 534, Christmas was recognized as an official holy day by the Roman state.The reason that Christmas became a church holy day has nothing to do with the Bible. The Bible does not give the date of Christs birth. Nowhere in the Bible are we commanded to celebrate Christmas. Christmas (as well as many other pagan practices) was adopted by the Roman church as a missionary strategy. - The Regulative Principle of Worship and Christmas by Brian Schwertley FREE BOOK at swrb/newslett/actualNLs/CHRISTMAS.htm or on the Puritan Hard Drive The most complete collection of classic and rare Puritan and Covenanter works. We rejoice to see so many long out of print works available in an easily affordable & searchable format. - Brian Schwertley on the Puritan Hard Drive In 1899, the General Assembly of the PCUS was overtured to give a pronounced and explicit deliverance against the recognition of Christmas and Easter as religious days. Even at this late date, the answer came back in a solid manner: There is no warrant in Scripture for the observance of Christmas and Easter as holydays, rather the contrary (see Gal. 4:9-11; Col. 2:16-21), and such observance is contrary to the principles of the Reformed faith, conducive to will-worship, and not in harmony with the simplicity of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. - Kevin Reed, Christmas: An Historical Survey Regarding Its Origins and Opposition to It (Free Online Book at swrb/newslett/actualNLs/Xmas_ch2.htm) Top Ten Puritan Hard Drive Reviews (So Far) For Calvinism In Worship, Against Arminianism In Worship swrb/newslett/FREEBOOK/RefWorsh.htm Christmas Condemned By Christ (1/3) Puritan Teaching On Roman Catholic Holy Days by Greg Price (Free MP3) puritandownloads/christmas-condemned-by-christ-1-3-puritan-teaching-on-roman-catholic-holy-days-by-greg-price/ Christ-Mass Condemned By Christ 2/3 Puritan & Reformation Teaching On Roman Catholic (Antichrist)/Pagan Holy Days (Easter Too) by Greg Price (Free MP3) puritandownloads/christmass-condemned-by-christ-2-3-puritan-reformation-teaching-on-roman-catholic-antichrist-pagan-holy-days-easter-too-by-greg-price/ Christ-Mass Condemned By Christ 3/3 Puritan & Reformation Teaching On Roman Catholic (Antichrist)/Pagan Holy Days (Easter Too) by Greg Price (Free MP3) puritandownloads/christmass-condemned-by-christ-3-3-puritan-reformation-teaching-on-roman-catholic-antichrist-pagan-holy-days-easter-too-by-greg-price/ The Regulative Principle of Worship declares that God alone is sovereign in worship. - Greg Price swrb/newslett/actualnls/REFORMATION-RPW-GP.htm A Dispute Against the English Popish Ceremonies Obtruded Upon the Church of Scotland by George Gillespie, Westminster Divine (Book at puritandownloads/a-dispute-against-the-english-popish-ceremonies-obtruded-on-the-church-of-scotland-1637-reprinted-from-the-1660-edition-by-george-gillespie/) The Puritan Hard Drive is out of this world in terms of usefulness! - Pastor Mencarow Christmas: 8 New Free Reformed MP3s It is commonly objected, that we may as well keep a day for the nativity, as for the resurrection of Christ. We have answered already, that Christs Day, or the Lords Day, is the day appointed for remembrance of his nativity, and all his actions and benefits, as well as for the resurrection. - David Calderwood (Covenanter), on the Puritan Hard Drive at There has not been a more valuable extra-biblical resource and tool than the Puritan Hard Drive. It holds some of the most priceless Reformed works of God-centered and Christ-glorifying truth that were ever penned. Most students, ministers and scholars of the Bible would never personally acquire even half the literal number of books on the Puritan Hard Drive, much less the extreme caliber of its contents. In Gods providence modern day Christians have been chosen to be the recipients of both a theological and practical blessing. May we not squander it. - Dr. Matthew McMahon, Pastor, Author, Theologian, Seminary Professor, A Puritans Mind Web Site, etc. - Dr. McMahon, A Puritans Mind (Pastor, Author, Seminary Professor, etc.) Top Ten Puritan Hard Drive Reviews (So Far) PURITAN HARD DRIVE SUPER SALE ON NOW, UNTIL 11:59PM (ET) -- LOWEST PRICES EVER (STARTING AS LOW AS $97.97, SAVING YOU $200!) (DOWNLOADABLE WINDOWS PHD) - (DOWNLOADABLE MAC PHD) - (USB-PHD) *** 25% OFF THE SALE PRICE OF ALL USB PURITAN HARD DRIVES *** BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND UNTIL 11:59PM (ET) *** LOWEST PRICE EVER! *** DOWNLOADABLE PHD ON SALE TOO, UNTIL 11:59PM (ET), FOR JUST $97.97 (WAS $297.97) (WINDOWS) (MAC) *** 4 FREE MP3s: Halloween: A Biblical Critique of James Jordan and American Vision sermonaudio/go/158107. I would like to commend our brothers at Still Waters Revival Books for putting together the most complete collection of classic and rare Puritan and Covenanter works. We should rejoice to see so many long out of print works finally available in an easily affordable and searchable format. ... Every scholar, pastor, elder and professing Christian should take a great interest in the Puritan Hard Drive, for it sets before us the golden age of Protestant piety, preaching and scholarship. Everyone should benefit from the labors of these dear, departed saints. - Pastor Brian Schwertley Top Ten Puritan Hard Drive Reviews (So Far) Why Gradual Reformation Is Unbiblical & Separation Is Sometimes A Duty: Martin Luther & John Calvin On Reforming the Church Against False Teaching & False Worship By Dr. Matthew McMahon, Dr. Steven Dilday, John Calvin, Greg Price, et al. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. - The Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 15:9) Easter, Lent, Christmas, And The Cross (Pagan/Roman Catholic/Antichrist Holy Days [Holidays] In The Church, Family, And Society) by Ergatees (Free MP3) puritandownloads/easter-is-not-biblical-it-is-a-superstitious-pagan-and-roman-catholic-holy-day-free-mp3s-books-etc/ Presbyterians Do Not Observe Christmas, Easter, etc. (A Reformation Argument Against Popish Holy Days) by Samuel Miller (Free MP3) puritandownloads/easter-is-not-biblical-it-is-a-superstitious-pagan-and-roman-catholic-holy-day-free-mp3s-books-etc/ If you want to understand Reformed theology the Puritan Hard Drive is unsurpassed, outside the Bible itself. - Pastor Greg Price (Author, Theologian, Covenanter) Why No Christmas Or Easter? by David Silversides (Web, Article) puritandownloads/easter-is-not-biblical-it-is-a-superstitious-pagan-and-roman-catholic-holy-day-free-mp3s-books-etc/ The Puritan Hard Drive is an astonishing piece of work. The scope of material is vast and the search facility is a tremendous bonus. There is enough here to fill a lifetime of study and it is a magnificent tool for genuine research (not to make us all superficial experts in historical theology without proper study!). There are works from a huge number of Reformed worthies of the past and audio sermons up to the present. We commend SWRB for making this available to the people of God. wealth of material - Pastor David Silversides (Loughbrickland Reformed Presbyterian Church, Northern Ireland), Author, Theologian, etc. Top Ten Puritan Hard Drive Reviews (So Far) A Puritan Reformed Discussion of Holy Days (Lords Day/Christian Sabbath, Christmas, Easter, etc.) by Greg Barrow (Free MP3) puritandownloads/easter-is-not-biblical-it-is-a-superstitious-pagan-and-roman-catholic-holy-day-free-mp3s-books-etc/ Therefore Easter is not simply one feast among others, but the Feast of feasts, the Solemnity of solemnities, just as the Eucharist is the Sacrament of sacraments (the Great Sacrament). - Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church, Second Edition, #1169 puritandownloads/christmas-is-a-roman-catholic-missions-strategy Against Pagan and Roman Catholic Holy-days (Holidays) Like Christmas, Easter, etc. (Many Free Reformation Resources) swrb/newslett/FREEBOOK/holyday.htm The Puritan Hard Drive has been invaluable to me in sermon preparation, & personal & familial piety. - Dr. Steven Dilday A search for the word Easter, using the Master Search index on the Puritan Hard Drive (, brings up 7,325 results in 662 documents, all of which gives you the search term in the context of one line (under each book title in which they are found) --and when you click on this line the Puritan Hard Drive opens the correct book, to the correct page, and highlights your search term. There are also 112 Reformed resources under the category Holy Days (Lords Day, Christmas, Easter, etc.)and 25 resources with the word Easter in the title on the Puritan Hard Drive ( Easter: The Devils Holiday by Dr. C. Matthew McMahon (Web, Article) puritandownloads/easter-is-not-biblical-it-is-a-superstitious-pagan-and-roman-catholic-holy-day-free-mp3s-books-etc/ Easter has little to do with real Christianity. Does that surprise you? It should not. For example, Easter was not popular with the Puritans or the Pilgrim settlers in America. Neither Puritans or Pilgrims had use for ceremonies associated with religious festivals invented in either pagan history, or reinvented by Roman Catholicism. In actuality, here in the Americas only after the bloodshed Civil War did Easter begin again to be accepted. Read More at apuritansmind/the-christian-walk/easter-the-devils-holiday-by-dr-c-matthew-mcmahon/. Top Ten Puritan Hard Drive Reviews (So Far) SOME OF THE BEST FREE TEACHING YOU WILL EVER HEAR ON PURITAN AND REFORMED WORSHIP IS AT (4 FREE MP3s) Calvinism, or the Sovereignty of God, in Worship (Free Online Books Against Arminianism In Worship) puritandownloads/calvinism-or-the-sovereignty-of-god-in-worship-free-online-books-against-arminianism-in-worship/ If it be inquired, then, by what things chiefly the Christian religion has a standing existence amongst us, and maintains its truth, it will be found that the following two not only occupy the principal place, but comprehend under them all the other parts, and consequently the whole substance of Christianity: this is, a knowledge, first, of the mode in which God is duly worshipped; and,secondly, of the source from which salvation is to be obtained. When these are kept out of view, though we may glory in the name Christians, our profession is empty and vain. After these come the sacraments and the government of the church. - John Calvin, The Necessity of Reforming the Church, Presbyterian Heritage Publications, 1544, reprinted 1995, p. 15, free at swrb/newslett/actualnls/NRC_ch00.htm. The Puritan Hard Drive is an exquisite piece of work. ... Truly, if a Christian wants to invest wisely in his own growth, this is the best investment he can make at this time. More than highly recommended! - Justin Rawson, Gospel Covenant Publications Classic Calvinist Worship, What Is It? by John Knox, Greg Price, John Calvin, Dr. Steven Dilday, Jonathan Edwards, Jim Dodson, Samuel Rutherford, Kevin Reed, John McNaugher, W.J. Mencarow, David Steele, Dr. Reg Barrow, George Gillespie and Others (Free MP3s, Videos, Books) The Sin of Ishtar or Easter Worship, Idolatry In the Church and God Hates False Worship by Jim Dodson, William Perkins, Greg Price, John Calvin, Dr. Steven Dilday, William Greenhill, Kevin Reed and Others (Free MP3s) puritandownloads/the-sin-of-ishtar-or-easter-worship-idolatry-in-the-church-and-god-hates-false-worship-by-jim-dodson-william-perkins-greg-price-john-calvin-dr-steven-dilday-william-greenhill-kevin-reed-and-others-free-mp3s/ FULL REVIEW: PASTOR GREG L. PRICE RECOMMENDS THE PURITAN HARD DRIVE or puritandownloads/pastor-greg-l-price-on-the-puritan-hard-drive/ Historic and singular opportunity. - Dr. Steven Dilday on the Puritan Hard Drive Top Ten Puritan Hard Drive Reviews (So Far) FREE SWRB iPhone & iPad App FREE SWRB Android App App puritandownloads/free-swrb-android-app/ Puritan Hard Drive Reviews George Gillespie (a Scottish Covenanter and Westminster Divine), in his classic work, A Dispute Against the English Popish Ceremonies Obtruded Upon the Church of Scotland (on the Puritan Hard Drive, writes, Forasmuch then, as kneeling before the consecrated bread, the sign of the cross, surplice, festival days (Christmas, Easter, etc.-ed.), bishopping, bowing to the altar, administration of the sacraments in private places, etc., are the wares of Rome, the baggage of Babylon, the trinkets of the whore, the badges of Popery, the ensigns of Christs enemies and the very trophies of Antichrist: we cannot conform, communicate, and symbolize with the idolatrous Papists, in the use of the same, without making ourselves idolaters by participation. Are Easter, Christmas, Other Popish/Pagan Holy Days (Not Authorized In the Bible), Man-Made Hymns and Musical Instruments In Worship, Etc., Idols? - According To the Classic Reformed View Of The Second Commandment (Free Reformed MP3s, Videos, Books) Christmas Is A Roman Catholic Missions Strategy (Free Puritan & Reformed MP3s, Books, Videos) puritandownloads/christmas-is-a-roman-catholic-missions-strategy/ The Regulative Principle of Worship declares that God alone is sovereign in worship. - Greg Price swrb/newslett/actualnls/REFORMATION-RPW-GP.htm The Corruption of Worship, and the Rise of Antichrist In History, Prophesied In Revelation by Dr. Steven Dilday, John Calvin, W.J. Mencarow, John Owen, George Gillespie, et al. (Free Reformation MP3s & Much More) History of Holy Days (Sabbath/Lords Day, Christmas, Easter, etc.) by Dr. Steven Dilday puritandownloads/history-of-holy-days-sabbath-lords-day-christmas-easter-etc-by-dr-steven-dilday/ FREE SWRB iPhone & iPad App FREE SWRB Android App App puritandownloads/free-swrb-android-app/ There is no other way to get such easy, convenient and inexpensive access to so many great works from the best Reformation and Puritan preachers and teachers, past and present -- and the study software on the Puritan Hard Drive is out of this world in terms of usefulness! Nothing like the Puritan Hard Drive has ever been available before! The Puritan Hard Drive is the must have digital learning device for Puritan and Reformed studies. - Pastor W.J. Mencarow (Reformation Church, Boerne, Texas - San Antonio area), Author, Editor of The Paper Source Journal, and has been interviewed on numerous radio and TV programs including Good Morning America, most networks and in major U.S. newspapers and magazines, etc. Top Ten Puritan Hard Drive Reviews (So Far) Biblical Worship by Kevin Reed (Free Online Book) swrb/newslett/actualnls/BibW_ch0.htm Summary: Written with a clear view of upholding the biblical tradition of Reformation worship -- with the life and death struggle that was a backdrop to the Reformers war against the idols clearly in mind. Touches on a number of controversial issues that have arisen as human innovations in worship have become commonplace in contemporary church life -- even among those that still fancy being known as Reformed. swrb/newslett/actualnls/BibW_ch0.htm History of Holy Days (Sabbath/Lords Day, Christmas, Easter, etc.) by Dr. Steven Dilday puritandownloads/history-of-holy-days-sabbath-lords-day-christmas-easter-etc-by-dr-steven-dilday/ Christmas and Syncretism (Free Puritan and Reformed Resources)
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 23:30:01 +0000

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