Christmas is NEXT WEEK!! And a brand new year is right around the - TopicsExpress


Christmas is NEXT WEEK!! And a brand new year is right around the corner. We thought you all might like a little refresher course on the Wellborn Top Ten Wisdoms. These are the guidelines for a successful weight loss patient. Remember, you had surgery to change your life in a positive manner. If youve been struggling, if youve gained a little weight back, then you might just need to hear these things again. Recommit to yourself and the program. You CAN do it. Wellborn Wisdoms - Top Ten Rules to Live By 1. NEVER, NEVER DRINK WITH YOUR MEAL. WAIT AT LEAST 60 MINUTES BEFORE YOU START DRINKING. This is not just important, it is CRITICAL to your success. If you drink with your meal, you will not lose weight. That is just how it is, you have to be compliant. The whole purpose of this surgery is to GET FULL AND STAY FULL. That is how we are wired, that is what we need, that is what will help us lose the weight. If you drink and eat and drink and eat then you will NEVER get Full. You must get full to turn off the appetite! We know this is difficult and most everybody struggles with it in the beginning. But it can be done, has to be done. Arm yourself against this temptation. In a restaurant, drink right up until your main entrée comes (no food until the meat gets there!). Then SALT the water glass. Nobody will notice and those pesky waitpersons will leave you alone if you can leave the water on the table. You surely wont drink it with SALT in it! Carry a small bottle of mouth wash or have a tooth brush and paste available. We want to drink to wash the taste out of the mouth, but sugar free mints or sugar free gum will do the trick. BE PREPARED AND PROACTIVE! 2. NEVER NEVER DRINK YOUR CALORIES! This rule is also not an optional thing. If you drink your calories, you will slow down or stop losing weight. Is that Starbucks latte really worth it? Do you know how many calories are in a Starbucks latte? It could add up to half or more of your daily allowance! Drinking your calories is like shooting yourself in the foot. This rule is all about CHOICE. Are you going to choose to follow through this time? No one is forcing you to drink high calorie liquids. It is strictly a personal choice now. Do you really want to choose to NOT lose weight? You made the choice to have the surgery, you decided that you did not want to live your life as a morbidly obese person anymore. That isnt who you are anymore! Make good choices and stand up to yourself for yourself, you want to be thinner and healthy! 3. EAT THREE MEALS A DAY Lap band patients are generally tighter in the morning, that is morning band. Regardless of that, when you are on solid foods, we really want you to EAT something, anything for breakfast! It starts the metabolism going. It also will keep you from getting too hungry and trying to overeat at lunch. You should not be eating or even feel like eating between meals. If you find yourself grazing, ask why? Are you hungry? Did you have something too soft for the meal that didnt stay with you. Our goal is for you to get four hours out of a meal, whether it is liquid, soft or solid. If you are on good solid foods, like a Subway sandwich and are hungry a couple hours later, well, then you just need a fill! Keeping your band tight is so very critical to your success! If you should be on regular solid foods, but eat soft foods like beans or fish, then you didnt make a great choice. Adding a bite or two of bread to the fish would have been better and kept you fuller longer. 4. DONT FORGET TO PRE-FILL BEFORE YOU EAT This is an easy one! You want to drink right up to the meal anyway to help hydrate you, you wont be drinking for at least an hour afterwards. Plus, if you take 2-4, larger than normal drinks it will swell the pouch, makes you slightly uncomfortable briefly, but those little nerve endings get stimulated and start to send the hormone to the brain that shuts down the appetite, before you have even had your first bite. This will really help you control how much you eat at one sitting. 5. AVOID FOODS THAT MIGHT GET STUCK Be wary of foods that are very fibrous or stalky, like broccoli and asparagus. Also foods that have a thick skin on them. You can have them, but be very cautious, they dont always want to pass easily through the band. 6. ALWAYS EAT YOUR PROTEIN FIRST We all know that we have a limited capacity to take in food. It just makes sense that you would want to eat the most important thing first. Protein is so very important to the diet. If you fill up on other foods first, youve not spent your calories wisely. You may not even be able to eat the protein, which would be terrible! Protein is going to keep you satisfied longer than anything else. 7. EAT PROTEIN AT EVERY MEAL See number 6 8. 1/2 OF EACH MEAL SHOULD BE PROTEIN See number 6 (do you see a pattern evolving? Protein protein protein. Protein is your best friend!) 9. GOLD STANDARD IS TO GET 10 GRAMS OF PROTEIN FOR EVERY 100 CALORIES So when you are reading your labels (you ARE reading your labels, arent you?) put your finger over the last number of calories. That is the amount of protein that SHOULD be in the serving. So 150 calories needs to have 15 grams of protein. We know this is harder than it looks. Meat and dairy will fall into that category pretty easily, but everything else needs to be as close as possible. If the item has 325 calories and only 6 grams of protein, THAT IS NOT REAL FOOD, DONT EAT IT! Make good choices! You can do it! 10. COUNT YOUR CALORIES! 700-800 calories a day will lose you 1 and 1/2 - 2 pounds a week. We see people every single day come through our doors that have lost over 100 pounds in the first year. When we ask them what are they doing, they all, consistently, tell us that they track their calories. It only makes sense. If you dont know how many calories you are consuming, how are you going to lose weight? Its about taking personal responsibility and making the time to do this, for you! If your weight loss has slowed down and you dont really know why (I swear Im not drinking sweet tea!), then track your calories for a week. Be BRUTALLY HONEST with yourself about what you are putting in your mouth. If its more than 800 calories, then your weight loss will slow. And, with 700-800 calories, if you have done #9 correctly, then you should be able to meet your minimum daily requirement of protein grams. You must get between 60-80 grams of protein every single day to stay healthy! Your body needs that much protein to properly repair heart muscles, make new skin tissue and to metabolise fat. AND your hair is 100% protein. If you are seeing a lot more hair in the shower or brush, then look at how much protein you are getting. Track it with your calories. 60-80 grams is the minimum! Merry Christmas!! Be safe out there & make good choices!
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 15:38:25 +0000

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