Christmas is a time for giving, but this government is only - TopicsExpress


Christmas is a time for giving, but this government is only interested in giving to millionaires. Sensationally over the last year millionaires have received a tax break of around £100,000 per year. I challenged the Treasury Minister in the House of Commons first of all to confirm this sum, and also to tell me how many of my constituents in Inverclyde had benefitted from this reduction in tax for high earners from 50p to 45p. I was amazed at his defence of the top 1% of earners receiving this bumper bonus whilst many struggle in low pay jobs. This act alone illustrates where this government’s priorities lie, and that is lining the pockets of the rich while we see people at the other end of the pay scale visiting food banks. I find it totally disgraceful that this government is giving such a tax break to top earners in these times of austerity, rather than asking them to foot more of the bill to balance in the books in a fairer way. That’s why I challenged the government to come clean and tell us the exact figure that those earning over a million have saved through this tax cut, and just how many of these lucky few reside in Inverclyde. It further underlines that we have a government for the few, not for the many, and they are intent on asking millions to pay for millionaires. When Labour win the next election we will reinstate the 50% tax rate to balance the books in a fairer way. Like my constituents, if there are tax breaks going I want to put need before greed.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 15:10:04 +0000

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