Christmas on Grey Mountain Chapter 15 Jessie, Alex, Gina and - TopicsExpress


Christmas on Grey Mountain Chapter 15 Jessie, Alex, Gina and David waved goodbye as their sleighs left the snow covered farmyard. Hank and Laura waved back. As they disappeared, Laura turned toward him, “Big guy, you are so handsome.” She said. Laura stood up on her toes and gave him a kiss. Tiffany and Julie started giggling. Faith looked at them then gently slapped them on the back of the head. Cassie laughed, “Now was that necessary. Y’all live in a very pretty place.” “Just wait until you see the Fairy’s Meadow.” Debbie said, “There isn’t a more enchanted place on earth.” “I love Christmas time. We don’t get many white Christmases back home.” “So you and Clay are for real.” Chyanna replied. “Well you don’t spend 12 hours a day with someone and not get to know them. Clay has a good heart even if he sometimes gets moody. He expects too much out of himself sometimes. He has a practical mind though. We both tried Hollywood and wasn’t getting any where. Working on the show didn’t help either. We did a couple of set designs for some pilots but that was it. Besides I think he really missed Maine and I missed North Carolina.” Cassie said. “So you are you two getting married?” Barbara asked. “Yeah we are. Clay just hasn’t asked me yet in words.” Cassie laughed. “You sound like a smart gal, how come you never went to college?” Laura asked. “I didn’t have the money. The only reason I got hired for that show was because of some designs I did for one of people on it Summer home. They like it and thought I would make a great set designer. I would rather design real homes for real people.” Meg looked at her, “Sue can tell you about fake people.” “I know the real from the fake. The people that were on House Guests last season were model and actor wannabes.” Cassie nodded. “We had better get back inside.” Laura said nodding at the weather vane. “Damn, another noreaster.” Tiffany said. “Well it won’t be here until near midnight.” Julie replied. “I’ hadn’t been in one of those until the other night.” Cassie said, “It was fun.” “Oh it is when you’re safely indoors.” Amy laughed. “Well at least it will be just in time to give us a fresh blanket of snow for Christmas Eve.” Susan said. Laura nodded, “We need to start supper. Cassie can you cook?” “It will be just home cooking nothing fancy.” Cassie laughed. “That will be good enough.” Terri laughed. “Clay never complained about my cooking.” Cassie nodded. Once inside Laura took Scamp back to the main parlor. He flopped down on the rug in front of the fireplace. With so many helping hands, the girls weren’t needed for supper. Debbie got her laptop and started writing a poem. Gabby, Debra, Barbara, Amy and Susan started talking as they worked on Quilts. The youngest members of the group, Tammy and Tony were coloring on scraps of butcher paper. The children were very good and anyone could see the closeness they share. Tony carefully drew Scamp in front of the fireplace. His sister smiled, “You draw better than I do.” she giggled. Tony shook his head, “No you do. Sis you taught me a lot about drawing.” Tammy kissed his cheek, “I guess we’re both pretty good.” Debra looked that them than Gabby, “They are pretty close. My brothers and I fight like cats and dogs.” “Well my brother and I have plenty fights but at the end of the day we are all buddies again.” Gabby replied. She looked at Debra, “They tell me that The coachs program is pretty tough.” “Look, we have a strong support structure to lean on. That and Blessed Virgin helps me through it. Strange has it may sound Im stronger because of it. Gabby it is what you have on the inside of you and the people you surround yourself with that matters most. You need to choose your friends wisely.” Debbie explained. “Not like I did in California. My friends weren’t very deep thinkers. They seemed to bring me down rather than lift me up. All they cared about was the latest things.” Gabby replied. “Are they the ones that taught you about makeup and hair styling?” Amy asked. “Yeah and helped me to pick out my clothes. I love making my own clothes but sometimes I needed to have something quickly.” Debra took Gabby’s hand, “Let’s go up and make a few changes.” When they were in Gabby’s bedroom, Debra went right to Gabby’s closet. She looked at Gabby, “We start by inspecting your clothes.” “Then my make up and hair?” Gabby asked. Debra nodded, “You’re a fast learner. We are going to bring out the powerful woman you have been hiding.” “Sometimes I don’t feel very powerful.” Amy, Susan, Barbara and Debbie entered. “How are your grades?” Barbara asked. “They could be better.” Gabby said. “We are going to change that too. You are going to get some intense tutoring.” Amy said. Susan nodded, “Look, you are more powerful than you think. What ever the California lifestyle taught you hasn’t taken hold.” Debra smiled at Gabby, “You have good old fashion horse sense and that is a very good start.” She untied the ribbon holding back Gabby’s hair and let it fall about her shoulders. She lifted Gabby’s chin, “You are very beautiful and talented. We are going to take that beauty and talent and amplify that by a factor of 1000. You will walk in to school in February a very confident young woman.” To Gabby’s surprised Debra kissed her cheek, “Now caterpillar, it’s time for the butterfly to come out of her cocoon.” “You will be surprise at how you will be received.” Debbie said with a smile. “It was hard for me to fit in. Most of my friends were so superficial.” Gabby replied. Debra sat her on a stool as Barbara went to get her scissors. Meanwhile Amy, Susan, and Debbie went through Gabby’s clothes. Debra carefully cut and style Gabby’s hair and trimmed her eyebrows. Barbara removed Gabby’s makeup and tossed out anything frosted or glossy. Very few the clothes were not appropriate because Gabby tended to lean towards the Victorian style. Amy looked at her, “You’re a Vic aren’t you?” Gabby blushed, “I was becoming one. I still had a few things to work on.” “Hey stop being embarrassed about it. You need to be who you are. Look, you’re not the Goth or Vic type. What we are doing is bring out the real you.” Debra said. “The talented and beautiful Abigail Vane.” Barbara replied. “Gabby sound sounds like a little girl’s name.” Debbie agreed. “Abigail suits you better.” Susan agreed. The sudden changes that were being made to her were making her nervous. Yet at the same time she felt her spirit souring like a bird being freed from it cage. She felt more confident and powerful than she had before. Gone were the gaudy jewelry, mini skirts and revealing tops. They took her measurements for making her new skirts, dresses, blouses and tops. She looked at herself in a full-length mirror. She didn’t even recognize the young woman looking back at her. Debbie tapped her on the shoulder. Gabby turned around and Debbie handed her some high heel shoes. “Their not too high but they will accent you’re legs. More importantly they will force people to look upward at your radiant face.” “I can see the emerald in my eyes now.” Gabby replied taking the shoes, “I forgot I had these. Mom must have packed them for me.” Debra ran her fingers over Gabby’s hair, “You are so very beautiful and very powerful. Now that you have found your true power, fight to your last breath to keep it. You will have lots of help with that but in the end it is you that has to hold on it.” “Let’s go back downstairs and wow your mom and dad.” Amy said. Pete did a double take when his daughter entered the parlor. He smile, “Well now where did you find her?” he said awe struck. “I’ve been here all along; I just needed a little help to bring me out.” Gabby replied. “Well Gabby, I say they did a good job.” Pete said. “It’s Abigail not Gabby from now on.” Debra laughed. “Well I like that too.” Meg said as she entered, “Abigail, you look stunning.” “Thanks mom. I got a good talking too from my cousins and my new friends.” “We have a lot of sowing to do between now and February.” Amy said. “And a whole lot of new friends and mentors for her to meet.” Debra nodded. Peg entered and looked at everyone, “Supper is ready. Well Gabby, now that is a pleasant change. Remember you and your older brother have a farm to work on so keep some work clothes.” “Grandma Peggy, I want to be called Abigail from now on.” Gabby said. “Landsakes, child, I’ve called you Gabby all your life and I’m not about to change now.” Peggy chuckled. “Well you and Aunt Mary are allowed to.” Gabby laughed. Debra pointed to the dining room, “Starting tomorrow we are going to teach you how to select your make up, how to make goals, and how to act like a strong woman.” Chyanna listened intently as Debra spoke. She felt that she was a strong woman in her own right. She felt at peace with the choices she had made in her life. Jill was watching both her and Kayrn closely as they walked towards the dining room. Both were very strong women and she knew that it had come from her mom. “You know Kayrn, you and Chyanna seem pretty down home to me.” Cassie said sitting down. “What do you mean?” Chyanna asked. “I mean you are like the girls I grew up with. We can be silly one minute and serious the next. We knew what we wanted and had the smarts to get it without selling our bodies.” Cassie explained. “Cassie working on that TV show, proved that you werent a dumb blond and you used your talent to get there.” Jill replied. “Shut up, I didn’t need use my body. I had Clay and myself and I knew that I that I would be successful at it.” Cassie replied. “You are what the program was design to create.” Barbara replied. “I had my goals and I knew that nothing could stop me” Cassie laughed. “Well, you have found some kindred spirits here in Maine.” Susan said. “That’s enough about that show. Time to eat.” Tommy laughed. They heard a knock on the backdoor and Gabby went to answer it. Clay Morgan looked at her and smiled, “Well it looks like I’m on the wrong farm.” He said. “Hi Clay, how have you been? “Gabby replied. “Landsakes, Clay Morgan get yourself in here.” Mary said from behind Gabby. “So you’re an Abigail.” Clay laughed. “Gabby, he knows where the plates are.” Mary Instructed. “Aunt Mary, Pa and Mom will be here in the morning, I came early to because Cassie was here.” Clay replied. “You are going to eat something before you put those horses in the barn.” Mary said. Clay shrugged his shoulders, “My mom says that the only one more stubborn than me is you Aunt Mary.” “Well my little sister Polly is plenty stubborn in her own right.” Mary laughed. Clay nodded, “Cassie and I connected with each other out there.” Clay hung his coat. He saw Hank taking his team to the barn. “It looks like Hank is taking care of my horses.” “That man was told supper is ready.” Mary chuckled. Cassie smiled when Clay entered the dining room. Barbara and Debbie got up and gave him a deep hug. Cassie looked around the room and Tiffany started laughing, “I guess I should have told you that Clay and I are cousins.” “It look’s like that Queen Shea is going to need a vacation after this Christmas.” Laura laughed. “Queen Shea?” Cassie asked. “Queen Shea of the Fairy’s Meadow.” Faith explained. “My cousins believe in all kinds of magical creatures. They see all life as one huge magic tapestry. After last summer I believe them.” Clay explained. “Well it seem like somebody of something kept me from sliding to far into that snow bank.” Cassie agreed. “At least now I know why I felt like I was coming home when Tiffy opened the door.” “I’m surprised that you didn’t tell Cassie about us?” Laura giggled. “Laurie, you think she would have believed me if I had of told her. Some of your pranks were unbelievable.” Clay said. “I have a lot to learn about all my new family.” Cassie laughed. Laura listened to the chatter and drink in the spirit that had filled the farm. She felt Scamp sniffing at her feet, “Scampy, back to the parlor.” She said. Scamp was whimpering has he left the dining room, everyone started laughing. When supper was done, they went back to the parlor. Clay smiled, “Nothing as been changed. Cassie, this farm is full of memories for me.” “It is full of memories for all of us.” Terri agreed. “Laurie, are you going to read the Christmas Carol on Christmas Eve?” Pete asked. “Sure and you get to read The Night before Christmas.” Laura replied. “There is so much love and goodness in this place.” Cassie blurted out. Laura laughed, “Yes there is. Tomorrow and the next will be very busy around here.” “Well I can pull my own weight.” Cassie said. Laura smiled at everyone and picked up her knitting needles. Scamp jumped into Barbara’s lap and she begin petting him.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 19:14:16 +0000

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