Christmas was a bummer. Dillon very sick. Gia w/ fever, clinging - TopicsExpress


Christmas was a bummer. Dillon very sick. Gia w/ fever, clinging to Daddy, wont nap & constant crying because of it. Baby not as sick but getting there w/ runny red nose (little Rudolph:(, watery eyes & fever. Only way to get rest for Dillon was to get kids here. Oh boy! Howard (Hughes) is worried he will get sick. David is germophobic. Reassured him by telling him, too late to worry, we have already been exposed. Mean Stevie HA! Dillon insisted on bringing kids. Grandpa to car to get them in. Baby happy as Grandpa carrying him in. Dillon staggered in the door. Gia standing in courtyard, clutching Buppy (blanket w/ paws & a creepy dog head that looks like a pink big bad wolf too me, but she loves it so I wash Buppy when she tells me too & be sure she never leaves here without him) If Gia is carrying Buppy you know her world is not a happy place. Gia has Buppy wrapped around her shoulders clutching that creepy head so this time is MAJOR & she is WAILING in the courtyard. I coax her in he house. Daddy says everbody needs Tylenol & he is going home. Thats the plan. Gia now clutching Daddy who is torn & swaying on his feet. Grandpa trying to get Gia interested in something, anything. Chichen has been brought in from the garage. I tell Daddy, go home, we can do this. Daddy hesitant. I say if we cant get Gia settled, I will bring her home. Daddy leaves. Grandpa still trying. Gia still wailing. I tell Grandpa we might as well get it over with as the fever does not help her mood. Baby takes Tylenol w/ a smile. Of course. Hes not 3. Gia would take it too, if she was only sick & not worn out & weepy besides. I know this. I tell her this & Gia backs up to the door. I tell Gia that this is one of the few things we cant discuss or compromise on. She is sick & the med will help so she has to take it. I tell her she does have a choice in how she takes it. She can take it by herself or she can choose if one of us to help. Those little syringes are great! Gia is beyond rational thought. Poor little girl. Grammy now has to be mean. Poor Grammy. I tell Gia that we are going to have to do this & tell Grandpa we need help. Grandpa is in the same shape as Gia now. I tell Grandpa he can hold Gia & I will do it or he can do it & I will hold Gia. Grandpa wants to see if he can sweet talk her into it. Tries to give her meds. Nope. I tell Gia we have to do this & tell Grandpa to hold her & keep her hands down. He asks what am I going to do. I said what my mom did & what I did to Frankie when all else failed. Pinch her nostrils shut, put meds in her mouth, close her mouth & she will swallow it to breathe. Grandpa thinks that is harsh. I said how does a really high fever, a trip to ER, and an IV w/ meds sound insead? Grandpa holds Gias hands. Unfortunately, he let go of them too soon and Gia turns her head & deliberately spit much of meds all over Grandpa. If I didnt want to cry for having to be the mean one I would have laughed at Grandpa scolding Gia for spitting on his clean shirt. Odd how the the crisis seems to help a little kids mood. Nothing has really changed at this point, sill sick & tired but they have faced their fear and it is behind them. Gia much calmer. Wants to go to our bed. It s always the happenin place. Fun there. Lots of cuddles, laughs, the safe place filled w/ good memories of movies, snacks, coloring, stories. Its where we all go when we are sick. Buppy goes too. I prop the pillows, find Sponge Bob on TIVO. Gia is no longer crying. Grandpa has a clean shirt. Baby & I open a couple pesents. 15 minutes & Gia comes out to check out her loot. Zooms in on her pink princess stocking . So thrilled w/ the packs of stickers that I wonder why I bought anything else. Runs to computer room for paper to make pictures for Daddy, Grandpa & even mean Grammy. Decides to open presents. The tea set is awesome & telling Grandpa they will have a teaparty tomorrow. He can hardly wait. I tell her we will bake cookies for the tea party as she wont be able to go to school because of her fever but that I am sad because she will miss taking a favorite thing to school. Gia says she will not take anything to school anyway because of her Hello Kitty hat. Sad. Will that trust come back some day? All unwrapped for Gia. Her choice now is to go to the swing rather than play w/ her new toys. Wants her new purple jacket & the mittens that match from last year. That swing is Gias go to place for introspection & she needs it now. Off she goes. Baby having just sweet potatoes. Appetite not as good as usual & distracted by the new toys around him but he has had 4 oz of formula too so not bad for a sick little baby. He is 7 months old today! Gia comes back in. A new woman! Wants to open brothers presents. He loves every one. Good choices for him. More advanced than what he had & shows what he has learned. Now has his own mote. Actually stopped what he was doing to listen to one of the songs it played in its entirety. Really likes music. Take Gia to garage to show her a used end table we got at Doggie Store. Its round & wilseat more kids when we have the other grands here:) Told her Grandpa doing repairs, I removed old varnish & would paint it. Gia said why are we doing it. Told her it was for her chichen & there was a new chair for Brother although he will need help to use it. Gia said she liked it, excited that her chichen would have its own table as school chichen does not & I did not have to paint it. Told her painting was fast & ble to use it very soon. Sbe was OK with it then. Daddy comes back. Looks a little rested. Gia being in a better mood helps. Everybody in the car to go to Nannys house for Christmas. Told Daddy when they get home if the crabbies start in to call us to get the kids. Told him he is not doing anyone any good & will get better faster by accepting some help. He acknowledged it but I will bet money he wont do it. (He didnt)
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 13:54:06 +0000

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