Christmas was always my Moms favorite holiday and she always made - TopicsExpress


Christmas was always my Moms favorite holiday and she always made it exactly what a holiday with all your loved ones should be. To all my friends and family: I love you and think of you often. Christmas this year is when I stop and look at the things that I need to change, realize that I need to change them, and be a real man and actually do it. Im thankful that this has been a year of trials and friendly reminders from God that I am not exactly the superstar that I thought I was. Im glad that instead of being ashamed and giving up that Im humbled and determined to write a better story. Unfortunately; sometimes the exact time that you realize you need to change some things is also the time when you are least able to do it, and that is my case. But I will not be discouraged and I will not decrease my efforts. If any of you need to do something differently or just do something different; do it now. Dont let shame or discouragement or even the ability to do it deter you. If you cant take action then make a plan to get to the point that you can. If you need to humble yourself then think of the freedom from pride it will bring. This year I forgive all the wrongs done to me and beg forgiveness of the wrongs I have perpetrated. I choose understanding instead of anger. I choose patiently waiting for divine intervention to anxious hours spent cursing a troubled course I alone cannot change. And perhaps most importantly realizing that I cannot become a changed and serene person at peace in an instant and that I will at times fail at my new endeavors, but maintaining my commitment to change and living a life worthy of remembrance and celebration. To everyone who has had the fortune, good or bad, to know me; Merry Christmas. Dont wait for the perfect time. There is none. Dont wait for opportunity or stronger will. It wont come. Be loving. Be forgiving. Be remorseful. Be humble. Be hopeful. Go and love and laugh and live. I love you all. Merry Christmas.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 01:31:12 +0000

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