Chronic Pain in your life this is a must read. It is truly - TopicsExpress


Chronic Pain in your life this is a must read. It is truly amazing! After you read if you would like to order yours go to pinkdrinkaday or call me at 704-677-4702 Post by : Melissa Kio If you or a loved one lives in chronic pain, please read my story. If I can help one person like Kellie and Bob like they helped me it would mean a lot. My daily life is a struggle most of the time with chronic pain. I still get up every day and go to work. I try to smile and laugh as much as I can. I never know when my tears are going to flow, but everyone around me knows exactly when they see them that my pain just became unbearable. Chronic pain is “robbing” me of my life. I want to have a normal life like everybody else. I am the one that goes shopping, and sits in the middle of the mall with all the old men. Now if that isn’t “depressing.” My pain started with Plantar Fasciitis. I went to physical therapy. The burning, tingling, knife jabbing pains started slowly creeping up my legs. Soon before I knew it, my left leg felt like it had a cell phone vibrating on it twenty four seven. At the age of thirty, my foot pain started. At 31, I was sent to a pain management doctor. They started me on 400mg of Celebrex daily, 1800 mg Neurontin, and Vicodin. I was told that they may never know where my pain is coming from. I had MRI’s and EMG’s, and it showed nothing. My Plantar Fasciitis got so bad, it turned into Tarsal Tunnel. I could have had for both of these issues. The reason I didn’t have surgery is that I was told I would be off work for 15 weeks. With being a beautician, you work on commission. This would result with no pay. In 2005 I moved from little old Mckeen county, hoping I would meet my miracle doctor. I started seeing a podiatrist, getting foot injections. He changed my meds from Neurontin to Lyrica. We discussed surgery. So I planned it for a year and a half from my appointment that day. For the next year and a half, my life revolved around being frugal. Not only would I be off work for 15 weeks, but I had no health insurance. So when it came time for me to have my two health surgeries, I was debt free AND had enough money to pay for all of my monthly bills in advance and surgery. I was robbed of my work from chronic pain. Three years ago, I started working at a doctor’s office. She’s been a big part of helping find my pain. I’ve had CT scans, MRI’s, two ER visits last September, endless lab work, even had a spinal tap to rule out MS. Today, I’m still on Gabapentin, Lyrica, muscle relaxers, and Vicodin. I have seen three neurologists, and one rheumatologist. In the matter of three months, I racked up $12,000 worth of medical bills. My next option was to have a skin biopsy to rule out neuropathy. If it showed I had neuropathy, I would be on the same meds, so why go through with it? My friends Kellie and Bob started selling Plexus. Kellie sent me the link for people with chronic pain. I started reading these amazing stories about chronic pain and what relief they’ve had. So many of these stories were tear jerkers because I could relate. I was skeptical, but I ordered my bottle. Kellie and Bob decided they wanted to pay for my loading dose. This means for the first three months you take more pills, and then wean down. On my eighth day I woke up, jumped out of bed, and ran in the living room, feeling like a teenager. I didn’t have any pain. I had “none.” I went into the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror. I didn’t tell anybody that day that I was pain free. I just had a shity grin all day. The next day I was still pain free, and I told everybody! Later that day, I went to a drawing were the top prize was $2,000. I told my dad I didn’t care about the money, because I’d already felt like I had won. Out of my four weeks being on Plexus pain relief, I’ve had eleven days pain free. On the other days my pain had been much better. I’ve had half of the muscle relaxers and “no” Vicodin. This has been a very emotional journey for me. Some days, I thought they would find cancer in me, or that I wouldn’t wake up from the pain. Some days I didn’t want to even leave me because I didn’t want anyone to see my tears. My pain did the best of me. Plexus fast relief is 100% all natural, and is anti-inflammatory. “REALLY???” Could all of this pain be from inflammation? Today, I ordered fast relief for my dad. He is in chronic pain from previous back surgery. I hope in four week I am writing his amazing story. Thank you so much Kellie and Bob from the bottom of my heart for finding Plexus.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 00:44:45 +0000

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