Chronicling The Faith The Size of A Mustard Seed – Happy - TopicsExpress


Chronicling The Faith The Size of A Mustard Seed – Happy SONday!!! :D (GOD’S Gonna Make It With Dad Tour) – PRAY4RAY TEAM THE ADVOCATE A proud moment for Mom! She drove ALONE from their apartment to the Rehab Hospital which is about 30 minutes away! Since her arrival in Pittsburgh, she has been very dependent upon Dad and the rest of our family to get her around. Mom really needed this accomplishment. Sometimes when we are forced to do things that we fear and hate to do the most (Author, Dr. Lowe), which is getting lost for her, it builds confidence to do other things. Mom also found out from her primary care physician here, that she has an under active thyroid. They are treating this through meds. Now she has an excuse for her weight gain…Uh-oh! She has handled her new MS meds fairly well too! Thanking and Praising God! Dad completed another day of physical therapy, but couldn’t handle the occupational therapy as he was pretty exhausted. His stomach muscles were sore from working out. Over the last 2 days, he has accomplished 6 hours of therapy. So proud of Dad! Hydration is so important for Dad right now. Between his lack of eating and drinking along with his cancer meds and therapy; he can easily become dehydrated. I found out that he had been taken off his hydration treatments at this rehab facility. A big no-no per his Neuro-Oncologist. Upon Mom’s first request for treatment, Dad’s new nurse informed her that his bloodwork looked perfect and he didn’t require any hydration. Wrong! Why do people fail to recognize preventive care and maintenance are so important! If I am at home, do I wait to drink water until my throat is so dry that I cannot speak, no! It amazes me that a doctor would not order treatment for hydration knowing all the side effects of Dad’s other treatments. Why not work to keep the patient healthy so he can continue moving forward towards independence. Once again, I found myself on the phone placing an order for proper medical care. Dad received his IV for hydration 10 minutes later. This process has made my heart sad for those who do not have an advocate. I do have a prayer request for Dad which has been concerning me and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better. He is participating in his physical therapy, but not relating to anyone emotionally. He lays with his eyes closed and doesn’t talk unless he is forced to. I know God can hear his thoughts, but I can’t. (I probably do not want to…hahaha…a little humor there.) Please pray for God to help Dad work passed whatever is bothering him. God, whos thoughts outnumber the grains of sand in all the world knows exactly how to help him. I so wish he was strong enough for a visit to be around people he misses. It’s like he has shut himself off from the world because he is so afraid of setting any new goals. It is easy to get disappointed when we set expectations and then discouraging moments of weakness sets in taking us backwards. I believe he is battling the fear of setting new goals for fear of setbacks. God is the only One who can advocate for him right now with this. These times can also be side effects of radiation too. Remember, The Holy Spirit can go in places that we cannot! Yesterday, I was overwhelmed by your support as I read each posted comment on my position as Dad’s advocate. Your willingness to reach out as you did just made my heart melt with love for all of you. A few of the posts made me chuckle as one or two in particular knew me from my days when I needed an advocate! Yep, I’m smiling all over again at that one! Advocacy is such an important role. It is more than just speaking up at times. Advocacy helps the weak to follow through. Throughout this journey with Dad and God, it has always been my desire to seek what is best for Dad with God’s help of leading and guiding. Dad has to participate in his own life. It is his still! I am an earthly advocate. Hear what God says in Genesis 1:26-27: “Then God said, ‘Let us make human beings in Our image, to be like Us(referring to Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit). They will reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals on the earth, and the small animals that scurry along the ground.’ So God created human beings in His Own image. In the image of God He created them; male and female He created them.” Unfortunately, over time, we have destroyed that image by the sin of our own choices. As an earthly advocate, I can never be perfect. I do not know all things nor am I able to do all things. I am limited. I can tell others of salvation, but I cannot save. We all need a perfect Advocate and thanks be to God we have one in Jesus Christ! If you read nothing else today, then I hope of all the writing you skim through, please stop and read this very endearing, heartfelt, love letter written in 1 John 1:10 – 1 John 2:2 :D “If we claim we have not sinned, we are calling God a liar and showing that His word has no place in our hearts. My dear children, I am writing this to you so that you will not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an Advocate who pleads our case before the Father. He is Jesus Christ, the One who is truly righteous.(I know, just breathe, re-read it if you would like. That is so awesome! Let yourself have a Wow God Moment!) He himself is the sacrifice that atones for our sins--and not only our sins but the sins of all the world!” (God is just so Awesome! Jesus is Amazing! The Holy Spirit is such a Comfort!) In all of our weaknesses whether it be in making poor choices, unwanted illness, or trials caused by others, we have a Perfect Advocate, Our Heavenly Father Who Is The Great I AM! Be of good courage today, my dear friends and loved ones! Your Advocate knows your thoughts, your desires, your fears, and your sins. He knows courtrooms, hospitals, grocery stores, and bank accounts. I love the words to an old Gaither song from my childhood. A few of the lines sang like this: “He likes blue jeans, jelly beans, hot dogs and bubble gum He doesn’t care what your name is or where you’re from He’s up above to heal and help and love you, That’s HIM! That’s HIM!” XOXOXO – Always blessed by The PRAY4RAY Team! – XOXOXO Love, Laura
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 07:13:04 +0000

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