Chuck Norris Takes a Huge Public Stand for the American Flag An - TopicsExpress


Chuck Norris Takes a Huge Public Stand for the American Flag An American citizen would be hard pressed to find a more widely recognized symbol of freedom around the world than the United States flag. For years, ever since the country was founded, proud and patriotic citizens have hoisted up “Old Glory” as a reminder of the privilege of living in a free country, and of the bloody price that has been paid over the years to protect our liberty. In recent years, Americans have been attacked by liberals for putting a flag, and subsequently their patriotism, on display. One man was told to remove his flag or face a penalty, but he refused, and took his civil disobedience to the next level by painting his house to look like the stars and stripes. Martial arts legend and conservative columnist Chuck Norris recently released an editorial defending the right of every American to proudly raise a flag and show love their love for the country. Am I missing something? Do you remember the days when Americans not only used to be proud to fly Old Glory but frowned upon neighbors who did not? These flag-flying travesties wouldn’t be so tragic if they weren’t becoming so prevalent and symptomatic of an America gone awry from its original mission and founders’ intent. So, for this July 4, I say we not only fly Old Glory proud and high but also remind our families, friends, co-workers and neighbors exactly why we do. And what about those who oppose Old Glory’s posting? Take your orders and never forget the words of Gen. Douglas MacArthur: “I see that the old flagpole still stands. Have our troops hoist the colors to its peak, and let no enemy ever haul them down.” Then don’t hesitate for a moment to place your hand over your heart and say loud and proud for all to hear: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” Amen. Chuck Norris is spot on. While there exists an ever growing number of people who have bought into the liberal lies they’re taught in school and have become ashamed of their nation, those of us who know the truth should proudly display the flag, exercising our First Amendment right to demonstrate our love for America. We should never allow the opinions of others to silence our voices, especially if the expression of that voice is the U.S. flag, the very symbol of liberty for all who call America home. Please share this article on Facebook and Twitter if you agree with Chuck Norris and will proudly fly your flag this July 4. THANK YOU Chuck Norris!!!
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 13:40:56 +0000

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