Church Doctrine vs The Word Of YaHWeH (Monday 13 October 2014) We - TopicsExpress


Church Doctrine vs The Word Of YaHWeH (Monday 13 October 2014) We are living in those time which the word, the prophets, the Messiah and the apostles spoke of. We have seen evil that surpasses all evil after the flood. There is confusion in the hearts of men. Many are seeking the true worshipping of Elohim but they are hindered by the false doctrine that has been peddled time and again. (Matthew 23:13) The word of Elohim has been neglected for the love of money(John 10:12-13) and placed second to the doctrine of man, the Doctrine of the Nicolaitans (2 Peter 2:15,19; Jude1:4 Revelation 2:15) But some people unknowingly have been made to worship the creation not the creator. Leading people through the wider gate (Matthew 7:13) Hence Hosea said my people are perishing because of lack of knowledge(Hosea 4:6) My brethren does the doctrine of your church supercedes the written word of YaHWeH? Is your church doctrine based on the word of YaHWeH? Have you tested the spirit to see if it is as recommended by the very word of YaHWeH?(1 John 4:1) If you have done so. What does your church say regarding divorce? Does it accept divorce even though it is written YaHWeH hates it? (Malachi 2:16) Now you divorce because the God that you have been taught has failed to bring peace? What does the Bible term The hardness of the heart is it a good quality a true believer should posses which divorce can be based on? (Matthew 19:8) What does the doctrine of your church says regarding the issue of unforgiveness? Does it recommend that one has to earn his/her forgiveness and trust?(Matthew 6 :15) What does your church say regarding going to heaven? Whatever they say, Is it supported by the word of YaHWeH? (John 3:13,Psalms 115:16) What does your church doctrine says regarding salvation? Is it or can it be through any name with the same meaning of salvation in any language that you understand better or in Greek and English only?(Act 4:12) My brethren are we that naive to think that the doctrines of the pharisees died a natural dead? If not where do we find the doctrine that was fighting against our Messiah? Where do we find the doctrine or the religious establishment that persecuted the early believers? Did it also died a natural death? Does it mean Satan has been defeated on the religious front there are no more false preachers, teachers, prophets, work of power and false Messiah?(2Corinthians 11:13-15) If there are still there where are they coming from? Brethren let us read the word not the interpretation of the wise. (Jeremiah 8:8) For we shall stand as individuals before the Judgement Throne on the Great Day. Shalom Pastor Washington KPMOY Email :[email protected]
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 03:03:34 +0000

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