Church, Heres The Reason People Are Leaving Pts 1&2 My response - TopicsExpress


Church, Heres The Reason People Are Leaving Pts 1&2 My response I sent to the author. If any one cares :) Unlike what Im sure youve experienced over the last few days my initial response is to agree with you whole heartedly. Ive railed against the church many times. Im an over churched 30 something that grew up a pastors kid. Church damage is part of my DNA. So, I get where youre at… I do. Ive said many of the things you said in these last two posts but at some point I had to decide to be part of the solution and not just point out the problems, although they are very real. Youre right, you should be able to be loved and welcomed exactly where you are, you should be able to question ancient doctrinal beliefs and not feel disenfranchised, sadly at many churches you cant do that. But there are a great number churches where you can be you. Since you obviously feel that church is a necessary part of your life, otherwise you wouldnt be ranting against something you saw had no value. You simply want it to meet your needs, to love you, to except you right were you are, and it should. But make no mistake, thats the same consumer argument you made against the church itself. The human race is messy. The great mystery is why God chose us to move his message forward. We have the tendency to screw that sort of thing up but He picked us anyway… weird right? There are good churches out there, find one. But rest assured at some point, because even good churches are filled with people, it will let you down. You also need to know that if you do find a good church, they will except you where you are but they wont let you stay there. The best churches will take you in, love you, accept you, take you out for a beer, listen to your hurts, walk with you through them, and not judge you for any of it, but they will challenge you to be a better… you. At that point its a lot easier to be the change you want to see in the church. Its really hard to affect change from the outside screaming youre doing it wrong. Its lot easier when youre knee deep in the mess working along similarly flawed people. Im sorry you felt judged and left out, I really really am, but thats not a church problem, thats a people problem. And if were all honest with ourselves weve been judged and left out of a lot of things, both Christian and secular. We just have higher expectations for the church, and we should. Minna Canth said, Christianity has been buried inside the walls of churches and secured with the shackles of dogmatism. Let it be liberated to come into the midst of us and teach us freedom, equality and love. If the church being what God intended it to be is as important as it seems to be to you, then be part of the change. I can say these two articles were probably a great jumping off point. All your cards are on the table. Find a place that accepts you, heal, and change things from the inside out. I look forward to serving along side of you.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 16:45:44 +0000

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