Church, What is Humility? -Humility is a multi-faceted jewel. - TopicsExpress


Church, What is Humility? -Humility is a multi-faceted jewel. But all these facets point to one thing: Humility is Being empty. I believe this emptiness has three distinct expressions… 1. A Humble Person is a Always a Seeker! -I know a young guy who doesn’t like Math. So every time he takes a Math exam, he prays a lot. During the exam, when he knows the solution to the Math problem, he says, “Lord, this is mine. I’ll take care of this…” But when he doesn’t know the answer, he says, “Lord, it’s your turn to solve this problem…” -Church, Life is like a giant exam. -Some problems you face are easy because you know the solutions. But sometimes, life throws you a problem you don’t know how to solve. And that’s when you pray, “Lord, it’s your turn to solve this problem…” -When you have a problem you can’t solve, you become humble. You become empty. You seek the Lord! No wonder a humble person is always a seeker! 2. A Humble Person is Always a Student! -Have you ever wondered? Why is it that the biggest athletes of the world still follow coaches? -Golfer Tiger Woods is coached by Sean Foley. Boxer Manny Pacquiao is coached by Freddie Roach. Tennis Champ Rafael Nadal is coached by his uncle Toni Nadal. -Think about it. These guys are already the greatest in their sport. They already knew everything there is to know about their sport. Right? Wrong. -Church, The more you know, the more you know that you don’t know. -The day a successful person stops being humble is the day he prepares for his downfall. -Church, Success can only come from Humility and Humility is being Empty. -The moment you think you’re full, is the moment there is no space for anything new to learn. No wonder a humble person is always a student! 3. A Humble Person Is always a Servant! -Some people confuse humility with low self-esteem. -I was afflicted with it for 7 years in my teen years. I felt I was ugly, ungifted, and unlovable. -Church, Low self-esteem is a virus. Humility is a virtue. -Low self-worth is thinking of yourself in a small way. Humility is not thinking of yourself at all, period. -Why? Because you’re thinking of others more. -You want to serve! -It is in service that you empty yourself so you can pour yourself to others. No wonder a humble person is always a servant! ***One day, a mountaineer was going up a very high mountain. -It was very dangerous to climb up a snowy mountain all alone, but he was so proud, he believed he didn’t need anyone. By nightfall, in his exhaustion, his foot slipped. And he found himself free falling. All of a sudden, he felt a jolt. The rope tied around his belt saved him! -In total darkness, he was now hanging onto his rope. And he shouted, “God, if you’re up there, save me!” Suddenly, he heard a voice say, “If you believe that I can save you, do what I tell you to do…” He answered, “What should I do?” The voice said, “Cut your rope!” “What?” he said. “Cut the rope and let go,” the voice said. After a few moments, he shouted again, “Is there anyone else up there?” -The next day, mountain climbers saw his body, frozen to death. -The curious thing about what they saw? He was hanging only 2 feet from the ground. -Many people are like that: They trust in their rope more than in their God. They trust in their money, in their abilities, in their connections, in their intelligence more than in their God. -Church, The rope symbolizes your pride. Cut the rope and let go. -Trust in God. Stay empty. Stay humble. And receive all that God has promised for you...father mario
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 12:37:26 +0000

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