Church leadership: The road to hell is paved with priests - TopicsExpress


Church leadership: The road to hell is paved with priests present and past. Jeremiah 25:34-36 “The shepherds will have no way to flee or the leaders of the flock to escape. A voice of the cry of the shepherds and a wailing of the leaders to the flock will be heard, for the Lord has plundered their pasture.” Zechariah 2:7 “Get up Zion! Escape you who dwell with the daughter of Babylon.” Professional institutional churchianity needs the people to support it. The leadership is subservient to people walking in the door and therefore can’t rock the boat too much and upset its “employees.” Too much of the church simply operates on human management / business principles. It needs “business” from its “clients.” It has to feed the people what they want! The church runs like a normal business while the ekklesia operates like a living organism. Of course the church does need a structure and money to thrive, but what I am referring to is their doctrine. The Bible is called the “gospel of offence.” Today very few preach a gospel offense to the world, the flesh and demons! More and more I’m seeing and hearing of the need to create a new world order of peace. For this to occur, a new world religion, acceptable to the majority, is needed. Religions will have to unite. Already there are strong moves to unite the Catholic church, Islam and Judaism. But many more will soon come flocking in led by blind shepherds. The common good of humanity must have a common religion led by a powerful uniting spirit of tolerance and peace...the spirit of Satan himself. This new religion will be tolerant of what modern man deems acceptable. It will be tolerant of the variable values of modern man. It will be relevant to today’s world. It will be a powerful “tower” reaching to its god. Its end will be the same as that other “tower”. There is only one “religion” that will never be able to fit in with the world and that is the one with a towering cross in its centre! If you get one thing out of this edition get this: The removal of the cross of the living God, Yeshua, will give you peace with Satan. He will take the pressure off and allow you to merge blindly, just like a mindless machine into his will. Finally, as you enter hell – your peace will be forever gone. The leaders of untold thousands of churches are leading their flock into this great trap of the devil even right now. It is these leaders who are blind, but so are their people. Many believe that because they are professing Christians think they are okay. In other word they profess to be Christians and believe in Jesus. The Bible says, “Even the demons believe and shudder at the thought of their future.” It’s not good enough to have some nominal belief in Yeshua, as a sort-of sponsor in the background of your life! “You must be born again.” We are in very dangerous times. There is a big falling away from the faith right now. The love of many is growing cold. The big issue is church doctrine. Is your church clean from the satanic influences of Babylon and the modern world? Does your church teach on end-time events and does your church stand with Israel?
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 18:40:17 +0000

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