Churchill Flute Band and the Superact Last Post Project On the - TopicsExpress


Churchill Flute Band and the Superact Last Post Project On the evening of Tuesday 11th November the Churchill Flute Band invited friends and family along to our weekly rehearsal, to join with us in a short talk and act of Remembrance. Band members had been encouraged to come forward with names of relatives who fell during the Great War. Research was then carried out with the initial findings presented on the night. During the brief talk the general history surrounding WW1 and in particular the local Northern Ireland and Londonderry connections were brought out. This included information on Lance Corporal John Cairns, Lance Corporal Robert Cairns and Corporal Jack Adair - All serving with 10th Batt Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. John Cairns survived the war. His brother Robert was killed in Action on the Somme 1st July 1916. Jack Adair was killed by a trench mortar shell, 4th October 1916, in Belgium having survived the Somme. He won an Ulster Division Certificate for conspicuous gallantry on July 1, 1916, in the Thiepval sector. All three men have relatives in the band today. The evening finished with the Last Post being played by Chris Wright and Jamie Foster. This was followed by a minutes silence. This is only the beginning of what we hope will be an ongoing project. We are hopeful that further research into these men will continue, and potentially more members of the band may be encouraged to look into their own family histories to learn more about any relatives who served in the First World War.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 21:17:24 +0000

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