Chúng ta cùng xoắn tay áo, kéo cuốn tập, lục cây - TopicsExpress


Chúng ta cùng xoắn tay áo, kéo cuốn tập, lục cây viết, mở cuốn sách ra học bài nào các mems yêu dấu ơi ^_^ PHRASAL VERBS (DAY 2) 6. BE IN ON = PARTICIPATE IN : tham gia -> I’d like to be in on all your planning and decisions; I have some ideas I’d like to share with you . 7. LIVE UP TO = FULFILL A RESPONSIBILITY : hoàn thành, thực hiện. -> He promised to pay back his $20 debt to me, and I am glad to say that now he has lived up to his promise. 8. DO AWAY WITH = ABOLISH : bãi bỏ -> It is very sad that some people are still so poor in the world; When can we do away with poverty so that everyone lives comfortably? 9. TALK OVER = DISCUSS : thảo luận -> Mary had to talk over her travel problems with the airline manager. 10. POIN OUT = INDICATE : giải thích -> Mr. James pointed out many examples of the difficult theory. -Jenny-
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 12:30:00 +0000

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