Circa 60 de persoane s-au adunat astazi in fata bazei canine - TopicsExpress


Circa 60 de persoane s-au adunat astazi in fata bazei canine Pallady pentru a adopta cainii fara stapan prinsi de hingherii ASPA. Avand in vedere programul extrem de scurt in care publicul are acces in baza ASPA (11:00-13:00), este putin probabil ca toti sa poata lua un caine acasa. Oamenii au venit dupa ce au fost mobilizati pe Facebook, printr-o pagina dedicata adoptiilor. Ca si in ziua trecuta, paznicii bazei au refuzat accesul medicilor VIER PFOTEN, veniti sa sterilizeze caini conform Protocolului de colaborare semnat cu Primaria Capitalei. ___ Around 60 animal lovers are staying in line in front of the canine base of Bucharest City Hall for adopting stray dogs taken from the streets by the municipality catchers. People were mobilised on Facebook. VIER PFOTEN team is on the place, waiting for the second day to be allowed to enter the clinic inside the base, were our vets used to neuter dogs accordingly to the Protocol signed with the city hall. — Coada la adoptii in fata bazei canine Pallady (6 Fotos)
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 09:54:54 +0000

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