Circle of Life and Time 8-18-2014- Repost Time is often - TopicsExpress


Circle of Life and Time 8-18-2014- Repost Time is often conceived of as a linear sequence of events; each moment, although connected to the past, represents a new response to reality. In Jewish thought, however, time is seen as a spiral. Its forward progression is modulated by set patterns, recurring cycles that help determine the varying tone and pitch of the Jewish week, months, and years. The dual nature of time is echoed in the Hebrew word for year - shanah (il~v)w, hich is related semantically to the root meaning repeat (il~w), but also to the root meaning change (mw). In other words, the cycle of recurring spiritual influences that constitutes a Jewish year is modified from year to year, as new dimensions of those spiritual influences are heard - familiar themes with novel rhythms. Head and Beginning There is nothing arbitrary about a name given in the Holy Tongue: the very letters that constitute such a name disclose the intrinsic nature of the entity named. The name of the New Year festival, Rosh HaShanah, literally means not beginning of the year, but head of the year. I.e., the relationship of Rosh HaShanah to the other days of the year parallels the relationship of the head to the other organs of the body. There are three dimensions to the relationship between the head and the body. First, the brain controls the functioning of the body as a whole, as well as that of its individual organs. Second, the life-energy of all the organs is centered in the brain, each of whose components is connected to one of the organs. Finally, the brain is the seat of the power of thought, the highest of human faculties. The Jewish divine service on Rosh HaShanah is characterized by spiritual parallels to each of these three physical functions. First, on Rosh HaShanah Jews resolve to advance in all aspects of the Torah observance, and the resolutions under- each of us shares a bond with God that is not at all dependent on our deeds. For this reason, even a person who has failed to establish a connection with God through temple or who has obstructed that connection by his conduct is still capable of feeling a desire to return to God. A persons desire to return to God evokes a response from Him. Like a father who loves his children regardless of their conduct, God maintains a bond with us which continues even when our conduct appears to draw us away from Him. And when a person turns to God in study, this bond surfaces and makes its presence felt since the connection to God is established through study. Patterns With in a Greater Cycle Although each of the festivals conveys a unique message, the fragrance of each one lingers on and flavors those which follow, because they represent patterns within a greater cycle. Like the cycle of the Jewish year, the composition of this text too synthesizes a variety of contributions that especially adapted the texts from their Hebrew and Yiddish originals; whose piloting and encouragement at every stage of this teaching transforms it from a dream to reality THE CIRCLE OF LIFE “What is the purpose of my life?” “Who am I?” and “How is the world built?” if this is a wonder that demands answers it begins as a start to your realization of lifes mission of making this physical world a dwelling place for God in you, your family, community, and the nation. Every month of the year is unique with its own events and happenings, and can occupy a preeminent position with regard to your life; it can be replete with festivals, to name a few, Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, etc. But I believe no other month can compare for its richness and variety of festivals, (holiness), and their corresponding service to God like Christmas. Spiritual service is not just festivals, but a lifestyle if you let it be so. A Christian who serves his Creator the entire year, with the weekdays as well as the Holy Days of Festival follows with all service and transitions between the two is a radical one, Festivals (days of holiness), remove the toil of everyday life choosing to stand on a plane higher than the mundane world, with the entire day given over to rejoicing with God. The day then is sacred, and the Christian sanctifies it and it is sanctified; Godliness is manifest. A spiritual walk with God is established and it’s a personnel choice. How then does a Christian then serve God on weekdays when he is so involved in his own affairs? A clear directive is simple: I was created solely to serve my Maker. There is no such thing as ones own affairs, affairs which are divorced from God. Everything a Christian does must be an act of service to his Creator. A Christian serves God by fulfilling Gods will, including following the directives all your deeds should be for the sake of heaven and in all your ways you shall know Him. Even when they are your ways and your deeds and ones personal matters, business affairs, or any other facet of life they must be for the sake of heaven. The purpose of a Christian’s existence is to make this world a fit dwelling place for God, to make the physical a receptacle for the Divine. And this finds its ultimate expression when even ones mundane actions, are not just a Bible study, but applied truth all dedicated to God. SPIRITUAL NOURISHMENT Undertaking such a mission can be inspired in the months of Christmas and Easter, for its celebrations are the spiritual nourishment from which Christians derive strength for the service of the rest of the year. Each of the festivals emphasizes a different aspect of the Christian life, and their totality is the entire spectrum of the source whereby Godliness is made manifest. This is why the announcement is made “Peace on earth good will to men” We are reminded that far from being the end, it marks the beginning of a new type of life for the year. Solomon wrote: Ecclesiastes 12:6 Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern. 7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. 8 Vanity of vanities, saith the preacher; all is vanity. I’ve always been the world’s eternal optimist, after all my blood type is “B” positive. When times weren’t as perfect as you know they seldom are. I just didn’t get the analogy of the clever saying, “the glass is half full or half empty”. Why? Because to me it could only be one way, half full and ready to be filled once again. Those who continually think the glass at a half empty level and dreading the thought of his glass finally empty, fail to see the challenges of life we all face today and they must be shared with someone you love. What you have in the flow of blessings must be shared with someone you love. Life’s not about being selfish revolving always about you as I have learned. Life must be shared with someone and that includes God. It seems were all getting older now and although I’ve been very ill in the past and my glass half full, I faithfully waited and was ready to be filled once again, filled by a loving God who loves and cares for me. 1 Peter 1:6 Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations: 7 That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perishes, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ: 8 Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory: You see that’s what He does as the Creator, He refines, removing from the glass that which is not needed and filling it again with joy, love, and peace finally sharing an eternal life with all those who love Him. It’s hard to explain to someone the personnel successes and failures that have been a lifelong process with my God who continually cares me, but my life hasn’t been lonely or dull with the one who knows my needs and supplies them. It’s easier for me now to study than to write, but the time to write comes from an over flow in the relationship I have and receive from a wise God who shares with me that inspiration. It saddens me as the years go by when my closest friends and family members continually passed on and I’m not able to ask those questions or share my thoughts with them anymore. I believe though I will see them all again one day in the loving embrace of God’s holiness. Without a loving God, life as the preacher tells us is all vanity, filled with pride and in the end an eternal death without a loving God who cares for those who love Him. https://youtube/watch?v=o8ZnCT14nRc Blessings Steven. (1,564 words)
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 15:40:48 +0000

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