Citadel of Chaos 4An emergency meeting is going on in the staff - TopicsExpress


Citadel of Chaos 4An emergency meeting is going on in the staff office. It seems as if the teachers are discussing something crucial. The principal had raised the issue of the forth coming writing festival and had asked the teachers to break into various committees to help in the planning and logistics. As a gesture of good faith and my appreciation to you for a job well done, I would be inviting you for a dinner in my house this evening the principal said as he rounds off the meeting. Should I also come? Mr Victor, the physics teacher asked as other teachers burst into laughter. The principal didnt need to answer him because he knew Victor to be a joke. Before the adjournment of the meeting, the Principal shared the good news I was sent a mail earlier today by the board of management that starting from next month, your salaries would be increased by 50%. There was few minutes mayhem in the office as the teachers freely celebrated their pay rise.It was now 3 pm. Today was the schools game day, students were busy playing all sorts of games according to the ones that caught their interest. Others who were not playing were either running commentary or critiquing the players.Jane and Joy had selected natures chair, a very big stone that was sited under the big Mango tree close to the volleyball court. The stone had a story to it, some people claimed it was the power seat of the head witch when they still held meetings in the school. Others have it that the stone must have been dropped there by a deity who was suppose to use it as a chair in his divine home. The two girls were in the schools press club and were trying to rub minds together to get a juicy news item for the next edition of the Dring Academy Pamphlet, a weekly edition of the school news bulletin.Who do you think must have dropped the poly of groundnuts at the principals office? Joy asked.Seriously? Are you insinuating in anyway that am a suspect or are you askingme because am the school gossip? Jane responded.Naughty gal! Was thinking you had a clue. By the way, we are the school gossips or is that not what we are called? Anyway, i have a hunch that those boys in our class might have a hand in that mischievous act Joy said with a smile.You might not be wrong but I just feel they are not behaving as if they are culpable Jane replied.There discussion was interrupted by the arrival of Emma and Bala who were sweating profusely like rams which escaped slaughter. They had just been substituted from the first team and they were heading to the tap to wash up before they return back to play.Lazy things, they would never want to exercise. You would grow fat in future, I can see it Bala teased.Thank you busybody both girls replied as if they were sharing the same memory card.Please no need to pick a fight, did you guys hear that the writing festival would be holding in two weeks time? Emma said.The girls jumped up with joy at the news.Walahi, these gals na this kind thing they make una happy Bala said. The girls stopped and looked at him and hissed.Keep speaking pidgin English; just pray no teacher catches you joy advised.What would they do? You guys are too scared that is why they punish you for offenses; as for me, punishment itself is scared of me Bala bragged.Joy runs off and shouted back I am going to report you.Bala quickly run after her, as Emma and Jane followed suit.In the js3 class, the foursome are having a dialogue. They are seated on the desk in the class having made the shape of a sphere in their sitting position. They were trying to understand an incident they couldnt explain.What happened last Friday is strange; who must have carried the poly bag into school? Or did any of you return to carry it? Steve asked.I wont lie to you guys, I am still trying to demystify the events. How did they write the things we said? Austin also added. The boys were quiet for a while, then Dayo broke the silence thank God we didnt call ourselves names; maybe our names would have been written too. But who were the people? What do they want? And what were they doing in our school?You would have stayed back that night to ask them(the boys laughed, then obi continued). I noticed three other faces when the flashlight came on. We were lucky we ran when we did. Anyway, when are we visiting the farm again? Obi asked.God forbid! The other boys echoed.Another minute of silence, then Steve calibrated his thoughts and spoke I think we should be careful as we cant tell; but I feel the school is haunted and it might not be safe again.I agree with Steve Austin said.Baby Austin. You get scared easily. How are you sure those people didnt miss their way; I am now of the opinion that we really should have waited to help Dayo added.Naughty boy, you that outran us all Steve teased.The boys were still talking when the bell was jingled. Steve checked his watch and it was just 4:35pm; sports shouldnt be over till the next hour. Soon students were being sent into their classes. Earlier today, there had been a scare when the students heard boom! As if something exploded but it was later discover that the men who were working in the school were the ones responsible as they had fell a huge tree to give room to construct the new basketball indoor court. The students were a bit tensed but as they waited for further instructions. Mr Dojo began visiting each class and telling the students to stay calm pending when the incident that occurred would be resolved.What is happening sir? Hope it is not serious? Obi had asked Mr Dojo when he had come to address them.It is not too serious for now and we hope to nip it in the bud soon Mr Dojo said as he made for the exit.The students murmured in their various classes as they await the next course of action.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 21:53:32 +0000

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