Citer ni member aku yg beritau. Sampai nak pecah perut dibuatnya. - TopicsExpress


Citer ni member aku yg beritau. Sampai nak pecah perut dibuatnya. It happen at Jalan Loke Yew. Satu malam tu kawan pompuan ni la, dia baru jer balik dari party, tak tahu how many glasses dia minum ler tapi memang dia betul-betul mabuk. So masa on the way home she got blocked from the police officer and asked for her driving license and so on but unfortunately at the same time tu, there was an accident happen a cross the road. Quite major jugaklah accident and the policeman leave her and rushed to the accident scene. So this stupid girl dah gabra tak tahu nak buat camne, she just ran off back to her car and head straight back home in Klang. So the next morning polis datang ketuk pintu rumah dia dan polis tu tanya dia, “AWAK PEGI MANA MALAM SEMALAM?” Pompuan ni pulak jawab, “TAK KE MANA ENCIK. SAYA KAT RUMAH JER.” So polis tu tanya lagi, “BETUL KER???” Pompuan tu jawab, “BETUL ENCIK. SUMPAH SAYA TAK GI MANA2, TANYA LER NGAN HOUSEMATE SAYA.” So polis tu kata, “YE KER? (sambil tergelak) MARI SINI, KELUAR JAP” Lepas tu polis tu tunjuk, “HA!!! ITU KETA SAPA TU??” Pompuan tu macam nak pengsan sebab dia dah terbawak keta polis yg malam tadi balik rumah, dia ingat keta dia sebab kaler sama warna putih (wira) cuma keta dia takde sticker polis kat tepi pintu jer. Tak pasal2 kena saman RM1000 dan gantung lesen 1 tahun.. itu cume cite jer,,, hahaha
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 19:27:53 +0000

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