Citizen State of the Union Address These United States is a - TopicsExpress


Citizen State of the Union Address These United States is a republic composed by a diverse people group both born naturally and applied citizenry. Whom chooses to live under a constitutional binding nation that transcends ideology that sway any political agenda. My fellow Americans our most basic rights are God given not government inspired. We have been endowed with certain unalienable rights and its our obligation to preserve that notion from enemies both foreign and domestic that seeks to usurp that notion and override our constitutionalized republic. We the people empower government through willing being taxed and governed. Their is no specially held power by those who hold elected office although their have been some who have succumbed to the illusion of it. These are only Elected representatives who are our Supposed voices in the Halls of governance. When these representatives seek other interest other than that of those who elected them, we reelect another if these persons become too numerous we can request a Redo of our entire government. My only sentiment is that you and I become a more better informed citizenry and understand we the American populace hold the true seat of power. As you dawn the doors of a polling station in the next cycle of elections go beyond the political speeches, hyped up media interviews, partisans news commentaries seek out non-partisan sources of information who are not obligated to any political agenda Republican or Democrat to educate and inform yourself on whom your electing too represent you on the issues you deem important. Refuse to be manipulated by Political talking points, Charisma, and Attack Ads. Know the person listen intently to what proceeds out of his/her mouth. Utilize sources like, get Book for dummies on subjects like The Consitution. Research terms your unfamiliar with thats often used. Most importantly when necessary invoke the basic power of your citizenry but if a time arises and calls for it be ready to use the full scope of power of your citizenry by peacefully requesting New One. I pray that day never come and I pray that the trust in our republic and its system of governance is restored. God Bless you and May God continually bless these United States. -Jermaine Thomas 1/28/14
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 05:43:54 +0000

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