Citizens United is FASCISM/AMERICAN FASCISM..the merger of state - TopicsExpress


Citizens United is FASCISM/AMERICAN FASCISM..the merger of state and corporations/corporatism/corporate protection/corporate oligarchical rule which is TREASON!! Its NOT just about getting all this money out of politics, its that and MORE! It was and is an ACT OF TREASON because it took our right to SELF-RULE, FOR THE PEOPLE AND BY THE PEOPLE and handed it over to the uber SELFISH AND GREEDY mostly FASCIST SUPPORTING CORPORATIONS i.e. low wages/anti-unions/a suppressed labor force...all signs of the dangerous, evil corrupt AMERICAN FASCISM we were forewarned about by our very own Democratic party in the 1930s and 40s which has been here since then! That whole anti-liberal WITCH HUNT during the early 1950s, during the McCarthy era i.e. McCarthyism during the Red Scare was all about dangerous evil corrupt AMERICAN FASCISM...anti-intellectualism and arts/anti-semetism/FASCISM as those were mostly liberal Jewish intellects and artists from liberal Hollywood! Deeming them erroneously as COMMIE PINKOS, and BLACKLISTING the HUAC, the House on Un-American Activities Committee...more of their pathological lying ever since then and their perversion of the truth! FASCIST MOB connected TRICKY DICK NIXON sat in on those hearings because he was a huge anti-semite, racist, homophobic, misogynist, a white supremacist, another member of that pack of real WOLVES IN SHEEPS CLOTHING as they goosestep around with their PHONY patriotism really NATIONALISM with their PHONY red and blue ties and little hypocritical American flag pins WRAPPED IN THE FLAG AND CARRYING THE CROSS CONNING THE AMURIKKKAN SHEEPLE TO DEATH ALL THE TIME esp with their SLICK AS SAUDI OIL million dollar ads on AMURIKKKAN television! And then it was onto FASCIST MOB connected TRICKY DICK NIXONS assassinations in the 60s via the MOB/CIA/FBI and others who masterminded those assassinations...he had his own long BLACKLIST as well, JFK, RFK, and MLK, Jr! Even the late great RFK thought it was a MOB/CIA/FBI conspiracy and most political assassinations throughout history worldwide HAVE been that new dirty word, CONSPIRACIES, FACT! Including the assassination of REAL Republican and TRUE patriot, HONEST ABE LINCOLN, along with TR and IKE who was an anomaly in this sick deranged backwards thinking party so afraid of PROGRESS! Julius Caesar of ancient Rome was assassinated in his senate and had 60 conspirators behind his assassiantion... So nothing new under the sun!! Along with all their assassinations at our embassies i.e. BENGHAZIGATE/MONICAGATE, THEIR two dirty rotten evil TRICKS to try and discredit the Clintons so just like with WATERGATE, more pathological lying and perversion of the TRUTH! AND now two senseless FOR PROFIT AND GREED ONLY WARS, a DEEP Recession which wasnt nearly as bad as THEIR GREAT Depression in the 1930s, shutting down the government and holding innocent Americans HOSTAGE and 9/11...the Warren Commission and WMD/9.11 ..their two biggest BIG FAT LIES! So much blood on their evil corrupt hands and they get away with MURDER, literally and figuratively! PRO-LIFE? MY foot! Theyre the MERCHANTS OF DEATH...along with their guns they love and support along with their evil corrupt way too wealthy and powerful NRA as they TWIST the Second Amendment for their own selfish and GREEDY financial and political gain! WHERES THE OUTRAGE?? Or as Howard Dean just screamed and rightfully so, WHERES THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY?...where??...IN DENIAL!! NOT A GOOD PLACE TO BE! BEWARE, LOOKS CAN BE DECEIVING...PAY ATTENTION TO THE DETAILS! BEWARE OF GOOSE-STEPPERS, THEY TAKE YOUR PRECIOUS RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS AWAY FROM YOU!! PASSION IS THE ANTONYM FOR APATHY...DENIAL AND APATHY ARE THE ENEMIES OF A TRUE DEMOCRACY AND DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC AS ARE DANGEROUS FASCISM/AMERICAN FASCISM AND TREASON...SO IS SILENCE! Our parents and grandparents during WW2 didnt vote for FASCISTS they shot them! And our TRUE BLUE RADICAL LIBERAL Founding Fathers and TRUE BLUE patriots in the 1700s used to hang lying, thieving, murderous TRAITORS to the AMERICAN CAUSE just 238 years the time frame of 1000 years really NOT that long ago when you look at those numbers!!! Weve gone soft on the enemy within...we cant even get two of them i.e. war criminals and FASCIST AMERICAN TRAITORS thrown in prison! They now have control of three branches of the government and this has been going on for almost 100 years now, their evil corruption, obstructionism and AMERICAN FASCISM and now TREASON...HAD ENOUGH?? IF they win the next election, the executive branch we will have a total INVERTED TOTALITARIAN FASCIST short, a DICTATORSHIP of one political party owning the government and THAT according to the late great FDR, our strongest most powerful Dem dangerous FASCISM/AMERICAN FASCISM...the top Dems back then called them FASCISTS/AMERICAN FASCISTS so why not one word about this dangerous evil corrupt AMERICAN FASCISM we were forewarned about by our very own Democratic party and why dont they call them that as well...afraid of the TRUTH?? Afraid to call them names that they are and deserve to be called...FDR, his brilliant visionary VP HENRY A. WALLACE of the PROGRESSIVE party in 1948 and Sinclair Lewis werent afraid to talk about it and talk the TRUTH or call them out for who and what they truly are...AMERICAN FASCISTS.... FASCIST AMERICAN TRAITORS now who have already destroyed this once upon a time great democratic republic as we have known it since 1776!! AGAIN. wheres the OUTRAGE! The dumbing and numbing down of FASCIST AMURIKKKA IS HERE! BEWARE LOOKS CAN BE DECEIVING, PAY ATTENTION TO THE DETAILS, BEWARE OF GOOSE-STEPPERS..THEY TAKE YOUR PRECIOUS RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS AWAY FROM YOU!! YOU CAN FOOL THE PEOPLE SOME OF THE TIME BUT NOT ALL OF THE TIME...HONEST Abe Lincoln, a REAL Republican and TRUE patriot FOR a democratic republic along with TR and IKE who was an anomaly in this sick deranged backwards thinking party that is so afraid of PROGRESS!! TAKE THE BLINDERS OFF IF YOU HAVE THEM ON! PASSION IS THE ANTONYM FOR APATHY....DENIAL AND APATHY ARE THE ENEMIES OF A TRUE DEMOCRACY AND DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC AS ARE DANGEROUS EVIL CORRUPT FASCISM/AMERICAN FASCISM AND is SILENCE! REMEMBER, HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF , PEOPLE REPEAT HISTORY AND THOSE WHO FORGET HISTORY ARE CONDEMNED TO REPEAT IT...George Santayana ...the TRUTH! Including conspiracies, assassiantions, treachery, tyranny, TREASON and dangerous, evil, corrupt, FASCISM/AMERICAN FASCISM! Weve gone soft on the enemy within! We cant even get two of them i.e. war criminals thrown in prison...too much money, money IS power and they have all their best CORRUPT, FASCIST TREASONOUS judges in the SCOTUS who pushed Citizens United through right under our very protect them from all their evil corruption, assassinations, stealing elections/voter suppression/purging Dem votes etc. FRAUDULENT ELECTIONS are another sign of dangerous evil corrupt AMERICAN FASCISM along with rigged voting machiness/rigged elections..WHERES THE OUTRAGE?? FEEL FREE TO SHARE THIS POST AND THESE PHOTO COMMENTS..VISUALS ARE POWERFUL WITH THE ACCOMPANYING TEXT...this needs to go viral! Thanks!! REMEMBER TO GET THE BIG PICTURE LIBERAL DEMS..that VAST RIGHTWING/REICHWING CONSPIRACY Hillary Clinton mentioned..VAST since the 1920s, 30s and 40s i.e. almost 100 years of their evil corruption, obstructionism and AMERICAN FASCISM and now treaon...HAD ENOUGH??...and VAST in its scope ...all the way to FASCIST HITLER AND NAZI GERMANY AND THE MIDDLE EAST AND THE SAUDIS via the late AMERICAN FASCIST Sen. Prescott Bush and this very dangerous evil corrupt, pathological lying, deceitful, sociopathic/psychopathic, regressive/suppressive/oppressive FASCIST BUSH DYNASTY GREEDY FOR EVEN MORE POWER are at the helm of it along with those UBER GREEDY for money and power, evil corrupt FASCIST KOCHROACH Brothers along with billionaires like Sheldon Adelson, once a Dem and now a traitor to his own party as well as his country,3rd richest man in FASCIST AMURIKKKA and 16th richest man in the world! TIME FOR ANOTHER AMERICAN REVOLUTION and voting might now be enough..were up against a mighty foe...sometimes one has to fight fire with fire!! THINK ABOUT THIS!!!
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 19:25:17 +0000

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