Citizens of Cedar Rapids, It has been almost a year since I - TopicsExpress


Citizens of Cedar Rapids, It has been almost a year since I took Praxis of a City full of problems and chaos, and slowly handled many of the problems facing the Domain. As Primogen, I had to watch a lot of things go down by the man in charge that led me to take his seat so that his legacy of insanity would end, but also to shape a Domain that had struggled with issues in its troubled past These are just a few things I have done as Prince: Beaten back several Sabbat attempts at incursion. Protected the Masquerade against a host of threats, including rather competent mages determined to kidnap our citizens. Ran out or laid low diablerists and tradition breakers. Reduced hostilities with neighboring Lupine wilds Acted in other positions in the City beyond Prince to guide the course. There is an old saying Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. In the past I said that, but the real weight of that statement had not really hit me until recently. When I took power, I had little blood on my hands. I had spent years avoiding conflict unless it was absolutely needed. While I had to occasionally prove myself as loyal by accompanying some of the more militant kindred into battle, I never played the executioner. I always walked away. I never want to see the face of those who suffer at the death. All that changed the night I became Prince. My first official act as Prince was to kill, and since then, the deaths have stacked up. Thin Blooded, Sabbat Packs, occasional random psychotic magic infused human, homeless people infected with supernatural infection, the occasional Camarilla member no longer worthy of another chance. The fire consumes us all at one point or another I suspect. As I have condemned so many to the fires, that one day I shall lay in its place and let it make my body to dust, and my soul to rise to Valhalla. At first, I struggled greatly with the killing. I tried to delegate it to others, I tried to let the notion that this was needed over ride my internal urge to stop. Then, it became easier, and that urge died away. Now, I kill those who oppose me without any hesitation. What have I become? I had a conversation about this topic a few gatherings ago with several people, something I call John Ragner syndrome Where a Prince is so strong that issues are handled with such a well oiled mechanism that the Kindred that live in the city often grow bored and complacent in the lack of such dramatic stimuli. I believe that I have done this to my Domain, effectively ran off everybody with my ruthless execution of my office. Which is why when I became aware of a conspiracy to challenge my Praxis, I was greatly troubled. More importantly, I was taken aback that some just do not appreciate the safety which I have created. Instead, the cycle of continuous drama restarts, and I am forced to handle a situation. My first reaction would be to simply intercept their vehicle en route to or from gathering with a quick precision strike, incapacitate them and drag them back to my mansion to extract information in a lengthy and painful ordeal that would no doubt cause me to find out who the co conspirators are (3 if my suspicions are correct) and place the whole lot in the fire. In my past experiences with this sort of stuff the only way to be sure is complete finality. But is this the proper approach to take when I have 6, maybe 7 active kindred in my Domain? Is wiping more than half of my population really the resolution to the issue? If I have truly created a safe haven for others, shouldnt I make an effort to stop the endless cycle of killing and prevent my beast from taking complete control? I will not kill any longer, I will not participate in the torture of others, I see the path I am walking down, and if I do not change it, it will not end well. After this missive I am longer the Prince of Cedar Rapids. Its either this or I risk Wassail with what I will do to get the bottom of the conspiracy to remove me as Prince. Furthermore, I no longer see myself as Loyal, Feared, or Faultless. Harpy please make note. I will go quietly and without disturbance. No need to follow or try to get at me. I am quite capable of leaving someone staked in a car for the sheriff to come pick up. Ill be leaving to domain for awhile anyway, I hear Hawaii is nice this time of year. Bruce
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 04:51:04 +0000

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