Citrine & Tiger’s Eye Mantra with Jade Wealth Pot Gemstone - TopicsExpress


Citrine & Tiger’s Eye Mantra with Jade Wealth Pot Gemstone Bracelet For Sale @ BD15. I only use natural gemstone beads known for their innate energies that heals & protect. Each beautiful bracelet reflects specific energy through the combination of gemstones. Free delivery within Bahrain. Shipping can be arranged by Registered or EMS Post Office within GCC & across the globe on buyer’s account. Gemstones are delightful to give or receive as gifts. They are mother natures natural healers. Gifting someone with a crystal is the same as offering a healing. Giving yourself a gemstone is a form of self-healing... Gemstones has healing properties that can be tapped into a variety of ways. Wealth pots or ingots are ancient Chinese medium for exchanging expensive goods. They are made to look like a smiley face because ingots trigger happiness when one sees it. Ingots have been designed by ancient Feng Shui masters with a perfect shape to emit wealth chi and they were owned in ancient times by high ranking officials, emperors and tycoons only. They are highly recommended by all Feng Shui masters as the symbol of wealth and abundance. They are also essential items for wealth ships and wealth vase. Meanwhile, wealth pots depicting treasures overflowing with gold ingots is extremely auspicious to accumulate abundance of wealth in your business premises and homes. Mantra bracelets have the Om Mani Pade Hum Tibetan Buddhist Mantra (or prayer) with a message of peace, love, harmony & compassion for all beings in existence. There are ranges of other benefits which are said to ensue from this mantra, including the production of merit and helps to purify negative karma dissolving all obstacles and bringing immense benefits. The seven laws of attraction are at work when you are using Citrine crystals. These laws say that in order to attract anything, you need to first imagine it... and Citrine will aid you to boost your imagination. For aiding you to be able to better imagine anything you desire... You may learn how to manifest what you desire in your life... including the ability to manifest prosperity including money. In some places it is known as the Merchant’s Stone and this relates to the increased abundance and prosperity in your life that may be the result of using it, especially if you have a business. Citrine and the yellow ray loosen your hold on all that no longer serves you, so that you may progress to the next higher state of being. Citrine unwinds tension and increases flexibility in the cells, organs, and body as a whole, thereby encouraging your body to relax and move into greater alignment. Citrine gradually opens inner hearing. It helps you fulfill your spiritual potential by encouraging you to embrace ever-higher states of consciousness. Citrine brings out optimism and enthusiasm while enhancing the wearer’s concentration power. It awakens the higher mind and is, thus, excellent for overcoming depression and phobias. Said to also have healing powers, citrine is highly beneficial in reversing degenerative diseases. It stimulates the digestive system, spleen and pancreas while negating hypertension, detoxifying the blood, activating the thymus, balancing the thyroid and fortifying the nerves. Citrine is a fabulous stone to use to combat negative energy of any kind by breaking them up and dissipating them. It is helpful to clear unwanted energies from the environment, whether it be home, office, car, or other space indoors or out. Family issues caused by negative energies can also be cleared for resolution with citrine. Citrine is also a stone that brings hope. Since citrine eliminates negative energies, it is good for protection in general and helps bring stability energetically. Citrine does not absorb any negative energies from its surroundings, and thus never needs energetic clearing. Because citrine can clear negative energy and influences from the aura, it is useful for meditation, psychic awareness, and spiritual development. By removing unwanted energies it paves the way for this spiritual and psychic growth. It is also excellent for dream recall and dream work. Tiger’s eye is a very protective stone. It has a powerful, dynamic energy with a watchful quality to it. After all, there is a reason this stone is called tiger’s eye! Unlike other protective stones, tiger’s eye can also help balance and clear emotions, thus contributing to a calm mind and peaceful disposition. Traditionally Tigers Eye was carried as an amulet against curses or ill-wishing, and is known to give you courage, self-confidence and strength of will. By wearing this crystal helps clear your mind of any annoying thoughts or stress. Its recommended that you carry it with you everywhere including when you drive to help keep yourself safe from any harm that may come your way. Also its power has the ability to attract wealth, good luck, keep away evil, and protect ones family and friends. The benefits and healing power that the Tiger Eye crystal offers is appreciated and respected by all those who wear it. The crystal encourages a passion for life and enhances your willpower and drives your will for success. It promotes not only clarity of intention, boosts self-esteem, and gives courage, determination, patience, focus and strength. These are all qualities that are needed in life to give individuals the happy, healthy life. This is a stone that helps us to be more active, mentally as well as physically... and its major work is within the lower chakras. It will stimulate the base chakra, sacral chakra and the solar plexus chakra, where its energy has a very powerful effect. The vibration of the will... which is the predominant energy of the solar plexus chakra... is strong within Tigers Eye Stone. This stone is most recognized for bringing money, psychic protection, courage, luck confidence, willpower, clear thinking and speaking to show us the personal power in life that we have. Very versatile for the Yellow/Solar Plexus and Crown Chakra. Tigers Eye works on our mental plane by amplifying thinking and manifesting what you think about. Helps separate thoughts from feelings, more centered, less emotional. Tigers Eye allows us to recognize both our talents and our faults. It can reveal your true needs without our self-serving or rigid mental attitudes getting in the way. This is a stone that helps us to be more active, mentally as well as physically... and its major work is within the lower chakras. It will stimulate the base chakra, sacral chakra and the solar plexus chakra, where its energy has a very powerful effect. The vibration of the will... which is the predominant energy of the solar plexus chakra... is strong within Tigers Eye Stone. It is an effective stone to assist you to accomplish goals. If you are prone to criticizing your own actions... you may be experiencing a lack of self-worth. This stone may help you, as it will infuse you with confidence, brightness and optimism that may relieve these lacking feelings. This is also an excellent stone for abundance and prosperity. It is a stone of balance, and it will help you to more easily see both sides of a situation. It would be helpful for you to have on you, if you are a negotiator or meditator in any situation. This natural crystal balances the brain, so it may be of benefit to help those who are suffering from mental disease or with personality disorders. If you have the habit of giving up and backing down from your fears, and of being easily distracted. Crystal properties are listed for information purposes only and are not intended to replace medical treatment. Always consult a physician for proper medical treatment. Jade is an abundance stone, representing the flow of Divine energy into the reality of ones life. It brings harmony and happiness in business and family relationships, as well material abundance. It is very compatible with body qi energy and it is traditional to wear jade for health and healing. Jade is most valued for its metaphysical properties. It is the ultimate Dream Stone, revered in ancient cultures, as well as today, to access the spiritual world, gain insight into ritualistic knowledge, encourage creativity, and dream-solve. It is cherished as a protective talisman, assuring long life and a peaceful death, and is considered a powerful healing stone. An amulet of good luck and friendship, Jade signifies wisdom gathered in tranquility, dispelling the negative and encouraging one to see oneself as they really are. Green Jade balances and harmonizes the Heart Chakra, aiding in both emotional and physical well-being. The Heart Chakra is located near the center of the breastbone. It regulates our interaction with the external world and controls what we embrace and what we resist. It gives us the balancing ability to be ourselves within the environment. When the heart chakra is out of balance you may feel either controlling or controlled in a relationship, and become critical of the little foibles of others. You may well find yourself having inappropriately strong emotional responses to everyday external stimuli. Green crystal energy is used to resolve blockages and to re-balance the heart chakra, helping us understand our own needs and emotions clearly. We can deal with the ebbs and flows of emotional relationships, understand their cyclic nature, and accept the changes. Properties: The ancient Chinese culture has revered Jade for centuries. Jade is considered the health, wealth and longevity stone. used also for courage, wisdom, justice, mercy, emotional balance, stamina, love, fidelity, humility, generosity, peace, harmony. Jade is known as androgynous, therefore it is considered having a gentle, steady pulse of healing energy. Jade is found in different colors and can be used on the appropriate Chakra based on its color. Properties common to all colors of Jade include its ability to mellow ones existence. Helps one rid themselves of negative thoughts and energy. Very beneficial to the heart in both physical and spiritual senses. It is a very protective stone and will keep its wearer out of harms way. Jade bounds us to our earth energies and physical instincts. Jade is a humbling stone. Folk Remedies: Jade works with the lungs, heart, thymus, immune, kidney and blood detoxification, nervous system. While all Jade has some healing influence, each color relates more specifically to certain ailments or organs. Strengthens the bodys filtration and cleansing systems and assists in the removal of toxins. Feng Shui: Jade is used in positive directions for longevity and a good life. Used in the Center area for harmony and balance, in the Northeast area for wisdom and in the Southwest area for love and partnership. (Be sure to use two stones together in this area, never one or three). Jade is an abundance stone, representing the flow of Divine energy into the reality of ones life. It brings harmony and happiness in business and family relationships, as well material abundance. It is very compatible with body qi energy and it is traditional to wear jade for health and healing. Jade is most valued for its metaphysical properties. It is the ultimate Dream Stone, revered in ancient cultures, as well as today, to access the spiritual world, gain insight into ritualistic knowledge, encourage creativity, and dream-solve. It is cherished as a protective talisman, assuring long life and a peaceful death, and is considered a powerful healing stone. An amulet of good luck and friendship, Jade signifies wisdom gathered in tranquility, dispelling the negative and encouraging one to see oneself as they really are. Green Jade balances and harmonizes the Heart Chakra, aiding in both emotional and physical well-being. The Heart Chakra is located near the center of the breastbone. It regulates our interaction with the external world and controls what we embrace and what we resist. It gives us the balancing ability to be ourselves within the environment. When the heart chakra is out of balance you may feel either controlling or controlled in a relationship, and become critical of the little foibles of others. You may well find yourself having inappropriately strong emotional responses to everyday external stimuli. Green crystal energy is used to resolve blockages and to re-balance the heart chakra, helping us understand our own needs and emotions clearly. Crystal properties are listed for information purposes only and are not intended to replace medical treatment. Always consult a physician for proper medical treatment.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 07:16:29 +0000

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