City Council Emails public documents. Council Members, - TopicsExpress


City Council Emails public documents. Council Members, Response to Tampa Bay Times Editorial 6/23/2013 I feel that this entire lens fiasco could have been avoided from the beginning of the selection process, if the lens had been chosen in a fair, competitive process, by letting the taxpayers/voters/citizens who are paying and will be paying for the project, had been given the opportunity to express their voices/choices. It is true, the suggestion by the Chamber of Commerce to terminate the contract on Thursday night then change their position to supporting the project less than 24 hours later, did backfire. It appears that the Chamber of Commerce will say whatever needs to heard at the time, in order to appease those who are within listening distance. Thanks to the social media, such as Facebook, we the people, now have a sounding board where we can express and debate our own views. Thanks to Google and You Tube, we have the ability to watch and listen to, live, unbiased recordings of the happenings inside the City Council chambers. We have the ability to use Google and do our own research on the lens project, as well as some of our other options. We have the ability to read the revamped designs submitted by Michael Maltzan and look past the hype and glitter that we have been hand fed. We can watch the videos on the Official City of St. Petersburg Website and realize that these videos and renderings do not reflect the changes that have been made to the lens in order to stay within the budget and comply with the laws. I am sure we are not finished with this chapter yet. The younger voters need not feel depressed. As a registered voter, they have the same right as every other registered voter, to make their voices heard on August 27th. We, the people, young and old, are being giving a huge lesson in politics and the political games that take place every day. We owe thanks to the Chamber of Commerce for opening up another chapter in politics for all to see. Respectfully, Council man Danner, as far as spending more money for “educating the people” on the lens project and what activities will be available at the lens, the following video by fellow Council woman, Leslie Curran sums it…It is a free video…no additional taxpayer money needs to be spent in order to view. Leslie Curran Describes What People Could Do On The Lens 6.6.13 For me, voting in elections, whether it is local or national, has always been voting against not for. It seems that we are always asked to choose between the lesser of the evils. I know that I am not alone in my feelings. We need to change our mindset when it comes to the election process. We need to feel compassionate about things to vote for instead of having to vote against them. The only people that can change the way we think and influence our vote are the politicians and their actions. Respectfully, Kathy Roberts
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 04:37:49 +0000

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