City hall at its worst Brampton Guardian Due to some great - TopicsExpress


City hall at its worst Brampton Guardian Due to some great investigative reporting by several newspaper outlets, the Brampton Guardian included, residents have been afforded an opportunity to observe the antics at city hall at its worst. With investigative reporters digging deep and tenaciously, and no doubt aided by numerous Freedom of Information requests and unnamed sources, those reporters have been able to uncover documentation and records of reckless personal spending that almost certainly would never have been provided to residents either publicly or voluntarily. Reporters, you have shone a light on some truly scandalous behaviour. Thank you for your efforts. In June 2012, a mayor of a large Canadian city— in a public address— leveled criticism for the existence of seemingly inaction and non-transparency in city affairs to the non-involvement and indifference on the part of most of it’s residents. In segments of his address, the mayor stated the following “It’s the people’s fault... They don’t pick up the phone, they don’t go down to city hall, they don’t ask questions, they just... It’s frustrating. I want people to get engaged in municipal politics, to find out who their councillor is and how they vote. “But if people don’t, like I said, take action and don’t get in their councillor’s face, its not going to happen. It’s up to the taxpayers. They have to be more engaged and they’re just not. It’s frustrating when stuff like this happens.” Yes, that much beleaguered mayor felt the need to scold residents over their apathy and lack of involvement in their community’s politics. Thank you, Rob Ford, and while I would likely never vote for you, I certainly endorse and am willing to heed that advice. Residents can’t expect the newspaper chains to make our civic governments either responsible, accountable or honest. That appears to be the job description for every tax paying resident. The newspapers however, can provide an excellent after the fact accounting of the magnitude of damages and cost our indifference may have cost us, and in this instance it appears gigantic. Wayne Boyko
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 15:34:23 +0000

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