Civil War fact of the day. On this day in 1864, Beauregard - TopicsExpress


Civil War fact of the day. On this day in 1864, Beauregard reported that Shermans army had reached the Savannah River and he told Hardee to abandon Savannah if it was necessary to save his forces. CHARLESTON, December 8, 1864-8 a. m. (Received 10. 50.) General S. COOPER, Adjutant and Inspector General: I arrived here last evening. General Hardee reports considerable fighting yesterday at Coosawhatchie, without definite results; enemy holding a position near there and railroad. Heavy skirmishing at Numbers 2, Central railroad, with large force of enemy, which has crossed Ogeechee opposite that point. Fighting also at Cannouchee bridge. Enemy has made his appearance at Hudsons Ferry and Matthews Point, on Savannah River. Gun-boat Macon is at Sisters Ferry, with orders to patrol river as high up as Hudsons Ferry. Howards wing of Federal Army believed, on right bank of Ogeechee, crossing. Generals Hardee and Jones should be supported with all available force. G. T. BEAUREGARD. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHARLESTON, S. C., December 8, 1864. Lieutenant-General HARDEE, Savannah, GA.: Having no army of relief to look to, and your forces being essential to the defense of Georgia and South Carolina, whenever you shall have to select between their safety and that of Savannah, sacrifice the latter, and form a junction with General Jones, holding the left bank of the Savannah River and the railroad to this place as long as possible. G. T. BEAUREGARD.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 14:09:05 +0000

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