Civil War fact of the day. The armies required food and supplies - TopicsExpress


Civil War fact of the day. The armies required food and supplies to carry on, and obtaining and distributing those supplies was a great task, especially in the vast Trans-Mississippi Department. On this day in 1864, Edmund Kirby Smith divided the Trans-Mississippi into four purchasing districts in order to better acquire supplies. GENERAL ORDERS, HDQRS. TRANS-MISSISSIPPI DEPARTMENT. Numbers 70 Shreveport, La., September 12, 1864. This department is hereby divided into four purchasing districts for the accumulation of supplies for the subsistence department; First. The District of Arkansas. Second. The District of West Louisiana . Third. All the State of Texas south of the southern boundaries of the Freestone, Limestone, McLennan, Coryell, Hamilton, and Brown; thence along the Colorado River to its source; thence due west to the Rio Grande. Fourth. The Indian Territory and all the State of Texas not embraced in the Third District. II. The chief commissaries upon the staff of the generals commanding the Districts of Arkansas, West Louisiana, and Texas, will be the chief purchasing officers of the First, Second, and Third District, respectively. Major J. K. P. Campbell, commissary of subsistence is announced as the chief purchasing officer of the Fourth District, and will report to the chief of subsistence of the department for instructions. By command of General E. Kirby Smith: S. S. ANDERSON. Assistant Adjutant-General.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 13:00:01 +0000

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