Civil War hero who died at Gettysburg to be awarded Medal of Honor - TopicsExpress


Civil War hero who died at Gettysburg to be awarded Medal of Honor by Obama more than 150 years after his death following long campaign by relatives 1st Lieutenant Alonzo Hersford Cushing to be awarded Medal of Honor Lt Cushing was killed in the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863 He stood his ground and fought on despite a bullet wound to the head Congress grant special exemption to give Lt Cushing the medal 151 years on Relatives and admirers had campaigned since 1980s for proper recognition Two Vietnam War veterans will also receive medal in ceremony next month More than a century and half after his valiant death in the Battle of Gettysburg, a Civil War soldier will be awarded the Medal of Honor. The White House announced today that President Obama approved the nations highest military accolade for 1st Lieutenant Alonzo Hersford Cushing after a hard-fought campaign by his descendants and Civil War historians. Congress granted a special exemption for Lt Cushing, as the medal usually has to be awarded within three years of the act of heroism. Lt Cushing was killed while standing his ground during Picketts Charge on the third and final day of the battle in July 1863, aged just 22. His platoon was defending the Union position against Picketts Charge, a major Confederate thrust that could have turned the tide in the Civil War. Lt Cushing was wounded by a bullet to the head as his small force came under artillery bombardment as nearly 13,000 Confederate infantrymen waited to advance, but he continued to fight despite his grave injuries. The Confederate cannon sent volleys over the heads of their advancing troops into the Union lines, ABC News cited the Waukesha Freeman as saying in 1911. Cushing and his neighbors replied with never ceasing spirit, in spite of a constant rain of shot and shell, with horses and men falling all around. Cushing was shot several times but kept on firing. He served his last round of canister, was struck in the mouth by a bullet and fell dead. Confederate soldiers advanced into the Union fire but eventually retreated with massive losses. The South never recovered from the defeat. Lt Cushing was among 51,000 deaths during the fierce battle near the town in Pennsylvania. The White House announcement said: Refusing to evacuate to the rear despite his severe wounds, he directed the operation of his lone field piece continuing to fire in the face of the enemy. With the rebels within 100 yards of his position, Cushing was shot and killed during this heroic stand. His actions made it possible for the Union Army to successfully repulse the Confederate assault. The medal is given to members of the U.S. armed forces who risk their own lives in acts of great personal bravery. Lt. Cushing, who was born in Delafield, Wisconsin, and brought up in New York, commanded about 110 men and six cannons during the Battle of Gettysburg. More than 1,500 soldiers from the Civil War have received the Medal of Honor, but despite a campaign since the 1980s by descendants and admirers of Lt Cushing, he was never chosen for the honor. The White House also announced that Obama will award the medal to two Vietnam soldiers - Army Command Sergeant Major Bennie G. Adkins and Army Specialist Donald P. Sloat - in a ceremony on September 15. Sgt Adkins, who served for 22 years and was deployed to Vietnam three times with the special forces, plans to receive his medal in person. He is being awarded for actions in combat on his second tour, in 1966, when he ran wounded through enemy fire to drag wounded comrades to safety. Mr Sloat, from Oklahoma, was killed in action in Vietnam in 1970, aged 20. He picked up a live grenade triggered by a fellow soldier and used his own body to shield the blast and save his fellow soldiers.
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 11:42:54 +0000

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