Civil society borshvanh demands urgent intervention to protect - TopicsExpress


Civil society borshvanh demands urgent intervention to protect civilians Sep 19, 2014 Tripoli Abdulbasit bin Hamel said the institutions of civil society-Grand it is following with grave concern the deteriorating security situation and clashes in areas they saw violent and that resulted in many civilian casualties and not commit him condemned the armed formations of the serious human rights violations against the civilian population and the hideous and horrific massacres against the people they saw of kidnapping and murder and physical filtering and hide Kasri and torture on the basis of social identity, stealing and burning and destruction Homes and property of the people. And called upon civil society institutions they saw all parties make maximum efforts to find a quick end to the violence and the return of security and stability to the region. Civil society organizations addressed an urgent appeal to the borshvanh House and the Libyan Government and national army, to immediately intervene to protect civilians in areas they saw in the national and legal responsibility in the protection of civilians and victims of serious violations. Civil society institutions also emphasized its support for the efforts of the Consultative Council and elders but may, they saw this was Shura Council and elders they saw, has since the beginning of the events of the area concerned and the people they saw about the effects of the ongoing clashes in they saw, that led to the displacement of thousands of families percent and Hunter walhashan, Tina waltoibet and easy, his Gospel and ameriya weghot father side to the South they saw in azizia Wadi al Khan and the well and other places where local communities hosting displaced families which led to increased Burdens on families and health services in the region. As a result of these clashes, said civil society organizations that had received the news from gateway to Africa, are some areas they saw land from non-residents and other areas suffer from a shortage of commodities, including food, medicine, fuel, and money in the Bank and that Al Zahra hospital and health centres in walhashan and globe percent having trouble handling all the wounded, adding that some were falsified and ruin and destruction. The statement said that no provision of relief assistance from local and central authorities while civil institutions contributed to humanitarian assistance, mainly with the support of civilian institutions and other national actors, including aid, food supplies and medicines to hospitals. While the House had not sent or the Libyan Government of any Committee to meet with the representatives of the people and listen to their complaints or support existing humanitarian efforts. The statement appealed to all parties to end the violence and protect civilians. He also called on all to allow the unimpeded delivery of humanitarian support and assistance urgently.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 17:27:59 +0000

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