Clace fanfic for Kadence Martinez, hope you like it. The events - TopicsExpress


Clace fanfic for Kadence Martinez, hope you like it. The events of Edom ran through Jaces mind constantly. Especially the last few events. Sebastian actually turned out to be someone I would have been proud to call my brother, Jace thought, to bad that was just a shadow of whom Jonathan could have been. He knew that the shadow of Jonathan was good the whole guy would have been even better. The whole Jonathan shadow thing had hit Clary hard, she had always wanted a sibling, and she had one for like five minutes. But nothing hit her harder than Simons sacrafice. She had woken up screaming ever since Edom only to remember that Simon was back even if he didnt have all of the memories he had once had. Clary, Jace, and Simon were walking down to lake lyn when all of a sudden a crowd of young shadowhunters almost stampeded them down. What the hell? Jace wondered aloud and then he saw what they were running from. A blue demon. Hahahahahaha! Screeched the blue demon, I am Marbas! I will kill the Herondale! All of a sudden Jace heard a pop and a scream and he whipped around to see the demon on top of Clary. Clary was screaming, get the hell off me! Marbas grabbed a fistful of Clarys red hair, ripped her head up then slammed it onto the dirt ground. You bastard! Jace and Simon said simultaneously and tried to tackle Marbas to the ground. They only managed to ram into each other, Marbas had disappeared off of Clary and was standing ten feet behind the three. Will was faster than that, even with his mundane friend, Marbas taunted. You know that girl of yours is very pretty, every part of her is perfect. Trust me, I have x-Ray vision! The blue demon declared. Hey! Thats my girl! Only I get to see her naked. Well her gyno too. But thats besides the point. Jace said. I curse you descendant of William Herondale, from this moment on any one you love or come close too will die. Marbas said. Jace kisses Clary on the lips, I love you. He said. I love you. She said back. Run, dont stop, just run. The both of you. Go and tell Jia that the demon towers are defective. Run! Jace yelled at Simon and Clary. The two of them run and Jace said, now to see if your shit is blue. I sure hope you are wearing a diaper because I am about to beat the living shit out of you. Come at me bro! Marbas said, you cannot beat the blue demon. We shall see. Jace pulled out a seraph blade then rushes toward Marbas, NAKIR! He shouted at the last moment and embeds the blade into the demons blue skin, the demon screechs and dissolves into smoke. Jace muttered, Curse my ass. ~ Four
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 00:07:57 +0000

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