Clan/Family Histories - Fergusson/Ferrie/Mackerras "Son of - TopicsExpress


Clan/Family Histories - Fergusson/Ferrie/Mackerras "Son of Fergus," but as the name is found in a number of places around Scotland, there were clearly a number of different people with the name Fergus. Traditionally, the Fergussons in the West Highlands are descended from Fergus Mor MacErc, a King of Dalriada, one of the first of the Scots from Ireland to settle in Argyll. Those in the south-west of Scotland originated from Fergus, Lord of Galloway who lived in the 12th century. He founded Dundrennan Abbey. The song "Annie Laurie" is about the wife of Alexander Fergusson of Craigdarroch. The Fergussons of Craigdarroch are recorded in the reign of King David II (1329-1371). Another line of Fergussons arose on the banks of the river Tummel at Glenshee and one of that family was tried for treason after the 1715 Jacobite Uprising. He must have been acquitted because he also took part in the 1745 Uprising. A Fergusson family was a neighbour of the MacGregors in Strathyre and Balquhidder. The Gaelic form of the name is MacFhearghuis and this sometimes became Mackerras/McKerras and MacHerries and even Ferrie/Ferris. Robert Fergusson (1750-1774) achieved fame as a poet in his short life and Robert Burns acknowledged his debt to him by erecting a gravestone to him in Canongate churchyard in Edinburgh. Adam Ferguson (1723-1816) from Logierait is regarded as the "father of sociology" and Sir Charles Ferguson was Governor of New Zealand from 1924-1930. His son, Brigadier Sir Bernard Ferguson, was also Governor General of New Zealand, from 1962-1967. The Fergusson motto is "Dulcius ex asperis" - literaly, "Sweeter after difficulties". Fergusson/Ferguson is the 34th most frequent name recorded in 1995 at the General Register Office. The Fergus, Ferries, Ferrie, Ferris, MacAdie, MacFergus, MacHerries, MacKerras, MacKersey families are all regarded as septs (sub-branches) of the Clan Fergusson.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 11:24:42 +0000

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