Clarification 2: May-21st-2014 I have recently identified - TopicsExpress


Clarification 2: May-21st-2014 I have recently identified several malicious rumors circling around the Wing Chun community. I am thankful for the old Gung Fu brothers and friends who showed their support through this trying time. Debunking propaganda of this nature is difficult because it’s designed to elude direct confrontation by relying on hearsay rather than verification. And, in the process, it may end up dragging everyone through the mud, thereby marring the reputation of not only those involved, but the Wing Chun community as a whole. For these reasons, I have decided not to further dignify the prattle with a response. I have wasted enough time over the years trying to engage in honest dialogue with these perjurers and hypocrites. If you must verify my word, please speak to me privately in person and I will be happy to provide you with the true account of events along with all relevant documentation. Many years ago, I made a solemn promise to SiFu Yip Man that I would preserve the integrity of the art and only teach those who embodied its moral principles. Since then, I have dedicated my life to pass down this legacy of our late Grandmaster and worked hard to promote camaraderie and unity among all Wing Chun practitioners. Thus my school has always welcomed any family member who wished to come and exchange knowledge. We have hosted Wing Chun brothers from all over the country and the world - Switzerland, England, Greece, Philippines, Hong Kong, California, Virginia - to name a few, free of charge, simply in the interest of fellowship and solidarity. My students were more than happy to take time off from work and family to help train, socialize, and treat our visitors. I have always advised everyone who visited my school that I hoped they find my advice useful. I asked them to disregard it and to refer to their SiFus for the final word if they did not find it applicable, since what I express is only my personal understanding and interpretation of Wing Chun. It is rather unfortunate how my goodwill and sincerity has been so distorted and falsely publicized as insults and disparagement. This is especially so given the fact that I have always tried my best to help any Wing Chun family member in need. Regardless, I will not let a few petty rumors undermine SiFu Yip Man’s vision for our future and my dedication to promoting the art of Wing Chun and establishing rapport among fellow Gung Fu brothers. The Wing Chun family motto and directive 詠春祖訓 SiFu Yip Man imparted to me admonishes us to preserve the art and maintain brotherhood, camaraderie, and unity within the Wing Chun family. 愛同學, 團結樂群. My conscience in upholding this directive is clear and I believe the truth will become evident with time. As the Chinese proverb goes, a clear conscience never fears midnight knocking. Whether I look to the heavens or earth, I am not ashamed, as judgment of praise or condemnation will be testified by posterity. 俯仰無愧天地, 褒貶自有春秋. SiFu Allan Che Kong Lee Wing Chun Kung Fu NYC Yip Man Wing Chun Martial Art. NYC. Clarification: May-14-2014 During a recent personal trip to Hong Kong, I was approached by several dignitaries who informed me of certain rumors that have been circulating within the Wing Chun community. These rumors suggested that I criticized and insulted fellow Wing Chun family members and fraudulently took students from other schools for profit, among other unsavory bits of gossip. I would like to assert that none of them are true. While it is a fact that I am no longer associated with the International Applied Wing Chun Federation due to ideological differences, these rumors falsely refer to me as the reason behind its ongoing problems. As the U.S representative of the Yip Man Wing Chun Martial Arts Association, authorized by SiFu Yip Chun since 1976, I am obligated to take these allegations seriously and defend myself against such slander. These rumors go beyond a personal scope; they pose an affront to the entire association and the Wing Chun community at large. The truth is well-documented and many witnesses can attest to the fact that these rumors are fabricated. I will shortly publish the actual, detailed account of events behind these false accusations and provide all relevant proof and documentation upon request to discredit anyone who claims otherwise. It is quite unfortunate that matters have gone so out of hand but I sincerely hope that this exposé would serve as a deterrent for those who seek to gain from malicious campaigns in the future. SiFu Allan Che Kong Lee Wing Chun Kung Fu NYC Yip Man Wing Chun Martial Art. NYC.
Posted on: Thu, 22 May 2014 22:02:17 +0000

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