Clash with the Idiots: Mr. Tariq Ali of Pakistani born British - TopicsExpress


Clash with the Idiots: Mr. Tariq Ali of Pakistani born British citizen, an author and a pioneer member of the movement against Vietnam war in the late 1970 s wrote a book in and around 2002 titled : The Clash of Civilization - which he had named it : The Clash between the Intellects and Idiots Be that as it may, the point that is been driven home here is the fact that despite the long time span it took for people to wake up from the slumber has been broken by 9/11 and also thanks to the S peach Writer of GWB for coining the famous : Axis of Evil . Now to quote Charles Dickens, form his book : The Tale of Two Cities - re: It was the best of the time and it was the worst of the time , let us rejoice that the path to recovery from the ill effects of 350 years of tyranny for the world and 1000 plus years for the Commoners of Britain is fast and the slope is 90 degrees. While the true Axis of Evil is UK+ USA + Israel, in absence of Y2K, 9/11, Enron, WorldCom, the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and now Syria it would have been utterly impossible for even the most intellectually endowed person to reach the mass and explain the Divine logic of ultimate destruction of the devil despite the apparent success that are most often eye dazzling. Let us not blame the mass for their lackadaisical, lethargy ridden cerebral pause e like disorder, instead thank the almighty for showing us yet once mote that He is the ultimate source of Wisdom, Power and logic. Just try and visualize a world without 9/11 and its aftermaths and then contrast them scenario with the current level of mass awareness, while the CABAL is busy with fence mending for here onward till they are ultimately / totally eliminated like the Pharaohs. All our efforts will be in-vain should we fail to recognize that Zionists are not only Jew , but also in todays context there are Christian Zionists, and the Muslim Zionists like the two Royal families of Jordan and Saudi Arabia, the puppet Government of Egypt , to name a few. Please focus all attention towards saving the deprived mass of the entire world, on the top of the list being the British Commoners, Working Poor of USA and the good Jews (mostly in diaspora, while taking time to watch the video below: https://youtube/watch?v=-udQ0huuZbI
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 21:24:16 +0000

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