Claude Arpi and I opened our joint 2008 article saying The - TopicsExpress


Claude Arpi and I opened our joint 2008 article saying The Government of India continues to hide India’s history from India’s people using specious excuses. An example is the Henderson-Brook report on the 1962 war, a single copy of which is said to exist locked away in the Defence Ministry. An anti-Indian author like Neville Maxwell is among the few ever given access to it; he has reiterated his factually incorrect theory (accepted by Henry Kissinger and Zhou Enlai and the US and Chinese establishments since) that the 1962 war was due to Nehru’s aggressive policy and China had no choice but launch a “pre-emptive attack”...... I do not think the Henderson Brook report is a big deal, or Neville Maxwells opinions. Much better are the German historians Hermann Kulke and Dietmar Rothermund who have stated most succinctly, the NEFA conflict was merely a deliberate diversionary tactic from Aksai Chin which has worked brilliantly for decades... And JK Galbraith, as US Ambassador to India during the PRC attack, outlined Indias military command and other problems adequately...
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 02:46:19 +0000

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