Claudia McNeely - Divine Empowerment November 6 - Hello battle - TopicsExpress


Claudia McNeely - Divine Empowerment November 6 - Hello battle weary Earth Angels! Yesterday’s X Class Flare and Gamma Ray Burst was like a punch to the gut for most of us. Our Solar Plexus Chakra took a huge hit, with the energy spreading throughout our body from there. Many experienced nausea, abdominal cramping, abdominal pain, diet changes, inability to eat and severe back pain. We are moving into a massive time of change for our World, and I feel it is very important to speak to that now. There has been rumors that the power grid in the US will go down from November 11 – 13, and there has now been confirmation of this. I will put links below. There is nothing to fear, but we must be prepared for whatever happens. Have some cash on hand, since we will not be able to use cards. Have food and water for a few days. Keep your gas tank full. As the link below will explain, the ‘White Knights’ are creating this to put a stop to the Dark Government. What will come from it is the birthing of our New World, finally. Do not get caught up in fear, this is what we are here for, this is leading us into our new missions. Trust that all is in divine order. Remember to Breathe and focus on Love, Light, Peace and Oneness. Ben Fulford - David Wilcock - The Sun released a mid X Class Flare last night, and a high M Class a couple of hours ago. There have been Earthquakes in Japan, India, Vanuatu, Oregon, Alaska and Colombia. HAARP is moderately active across the US. Photon energies are high. As you read this message, please join together in sending Love and Peace to Mother Earth and Father Sun. Imagine connecting your heart with the hearts of Mother Earth, Father Sun and the center of the Universe and allowing that Love to flow to everyone on Earth. Send healing energy to lessen symptoms to each other. The Energetic Clearing Technique askclaudia/energeticclearingtechnique.htm will help with physical and emotional issues. Though we can do a lot of healing for ourselves, a Healer can often see things and assist us to heal things we cannot find on our own. There is no reason to suffer through these massive symptoms alone. I have a lot of experience with healing these symptoms and can help you to reduce them and give you methods of coping with them yourself. - Claudia McNeely - Divine Empowerment
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 22:40:25 +0000

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