Cleansing of the Caverns by the Holy Spirit Without the Holy - TopicsExpress


Cleansing of the Caverns by the Holy Spirit Without the Holy Spirit inside of us these caverns will remain unchanged. That is why we need the SEAL OF THE SPIRIT. He searches all the inner parts of the belly (SOUL), and makes intercession for us. As we pray in the spirit there is a communication taking place between the Holy Spirit inside of us and the angel outside of us which takes this communication into the throne room of God where the 24 elders are seated and the message is discussed and reply comes in the form of dreams, visions, or the gifts of the Spirit. As we participate in TRUTH the Spirit uses this tool to create change in the caverns of the soul. Each cavern is cleansed of uncleanness and the Spirit uses TRUTH to set in order the library and new imprints that take on the image of Christ which we call the fruits of the Spirit. As we undergo the daily, weekly, monthly, and annual cycles of growth, it is quite common for the saints to experience Level One dreams which are manifestations of the manifold graces of God. These dreams frequently include symbolisms to help us to know what God is doing and which areas of the soul He is working in. Common Dream Symbolism Concerning Caverns The caverns of our souls can be thought of in major groupings which contain subsections which contain further subsections. To help understand this, weve prepared a chart showing how a country contains states which contain towns which contain houses which contain rooms. So we can see that on region of our soul (country) can contain many millions of chambers if we think of all the rooms in all the houses in all the towns in every state. Furthermore, as the Spirit travels between these caverns of our souls, we see transition symbolisms like bridges, roads, trains, flying, tunnels, cars, and the like. Level One Dream Images This picture shows how the Spirit of God searches the caverns of our soul while we are in prayer and how He shows us through dreams what He is addressing and bringing the healing of Christ to. The puzzle pieces depict the different caverns of the soul and how the Spirit of the Lord selects from these caverns, addressing several different issues, thoughts, aspirations, and principles that are stored, all at the same time, in one dream. DREAM INTERPRETATION SHEET 1. Large boat or train: The Spirit is informing you in this dream that He is going to another Section of the soul. We will call this another town to a selected house. The Spirit plans to stop at all towns enroute of the CAVERN. If the train derails or stops, this symbolizes that the Spirit has reached the limit of its search. 2. House: If the house is full this can apply that the Spirit is going to rearrange your experiences to reflect correctly what the Lord sees in your perceptions. Empty House: This is the beginning of a new file. Haunted House: This means that old fears will be dealt with as the cycle of seasonal fruit bearing is in progress. 3. Telephone Wires or High Electrical Lines: This implies that you have been restricted by your knowledge. 4. Waves: Always depict trials. Tidal Waves: Large changes. Floods: Gradual changes. Both of these are usually from outside forces that are beyond our control. Water also is symbolic of the people. 5. Wind: Changes that come in seasons of our growth cycles. Tornados: Emotional change that is sudden but induced by the Spirit through experiences. 6. Flying: The Lord is directing the situation by putting you in a new position. Also is deliverance from something. Airplane: This will involve others with you. Helicopter: Usually independent of others for short duration. 7. Vehicles: Cars show time periods between purging in the TOWNS and depicts travel to new areas which we will call TIME PERIOD 1 or (PT-1) which means one to three weeks possibly. Motorcycles: (PT-2) which shows a shorter period of purging. Wheelchairs: (PT-3). Limited to a small area for a short time, and you will be restricted in your activities. 8. Tunnel: Shorter route to new cavern. 9. Bridges: Going to an adjoining cavern but separate NEW WORK. We will label this a new STATE. 10. Animals: Types of character that influences your decisions or perceptions. 11. Earthquakes: Changes in our traditional outlooks which includes our doctrinal or functional behaviors. 12. School Friends: Schools depict teaching, so dreams that have classrooms or school friends means that the Lord is going to teach you things thus giving you wisdom for future things. This will include the purging of other influences to make room for the new. 13. Friends Alive: Present situations to be dealt with. 14. Deceased: Old or past influences to be purged. 15. Relatives: Sources of common influences in the signature that will be purged. 16. Valuable Items: Gold, diamonds, etc will mean that a cycle has been completed and the cavern restored, and that God is pleased with the results of His work. This is also shown by good crops and abundant harvests. 17. Naked: Self perspective and emotional state. 18. Celebrities: Something of common knowledge to you that will be widely known to others. 19. Romance: Relationships with UNKNOWN and KNOWN reveals that the Lord is dealing with you on the basis of EMOTIONAL adjustments. If the person is in the past, then the influences need to be purged. If the person is current, then the Lord is dealing with the CAVERNS that are presently being exposed to any friendships. 20. Bathrooms: Toilets or showers deal with the habits that others notice and you are subconsciously aware of. The Lord will create a purging cycle that will correct this. 21. Mouth: Purging of the lips. If substance is in the mouth this will involve timing and usually will bring frustration if you try to bridge this obstacle yourself. TIMING IS THE LESSON. 22. Military: Uniform conformity shows acceptance while mismatched clothes show contrariness even while participating with like activities. 23. Drunkenness: Influences that weaken your will in which you show bad judgment. 24. Money: Depending on usage in the dream, can mean power or your destruction. DREAM EXAMPLES Example #1 I had a dream where I was in an empty basement. There was very little light down there and it was completely empty except for a shower type area. I went over to investigate and saw shrimp were growing in it along with a single strawberry flavored banana. I was rather upset about the shrimp and started removing them from their shells but offered the banana to my wife who showed up to see what I was doing. (I think this must be a new cavern which has not yet been filled with the Light of holy knowledge and the fruits of His work. This must be a foundational cavern being a basement. These shrimp must indicate some influence upon my thinking in this cavern that is being dealt with. The fruit indicates the reward for my obedience as this cavern will now be cleansed, illuminated, and filled with the fruit of faith.) Example #2 I then had a dream where I was being shown how the mail processing system works. Mustve been a main mail sorting center. At one point, I was shown where my pile of letters were. There was a being who was sorting the letters into stacks as conveyors moved quickly to carry it all in different directions to intended destinations. I saw the letters being received and sorted but didnt see who or what this being was. (This seems to speak concerning preparation as concerning working with the ministering spirits ascending and descending upon the righteous servants of the Lord.) Almost as if intertwined, I was also showing a young person how the commuter train system worked in Chicago. We were at the downtown station and looked at the dozens of tracks which enter the station and then split into hundreds of paths to service every community from this one station. (This may also speak concerning preparation as this train system may symbolize the inter-connectedness of the caverns of the soul and the foundation [tracks] which the Holy Spirit sets in the heart to bring order to the entire soul for the purpose of fulfilling Gods purpose in the heart of man.) Example #3 I had another dream where I was making several trips to the back yard. The grass was overgrown and there was always a huge dog in a pit with a rabbit struggling to get out. The dog was always happy to see me but each time I went back there the dog and the rabbit were in worse and worse condition. The last time I checked, the rabbit took its last breath: crushed by the dying dog. Every time I went back I would gather ants for something. (Another regeneration dream showing a chamber of my soul where the beastly nature dwells. The yard is unkempt because of my neglecting these things which once thrived in my soul. The big dog and little rabbit show the inequity that exists within my own soul as principles war against principles even within this one pit. Both of these beastly natures must die through the effectual working of the Spirit as I rest in Christ. The dog was happy to see me because the old man craves that attention he once had when my will was delighted by him. The collecting of the ants must be something the Spirit is addressing.) Example #4 I had another dream where I was flipping through a magazine or brochure showing a strange woman in many different roles. She was interviewed from the position of each role and page after page there would be a new photo with a new interview. I remember one was her holding an open Bible and another was her performing martial arts. She was being interviewed as an expert along with each activity. (This again shows the regeneration work being done as the many fortes are being exposed in which many truths were projected to find self worth. Adam can find many different patterns to mold with in order to advance himself and seek completion and honor of men.) Example #5 I had a dream last night where I was putting new wiring on my truck (it was not the truck I have now). I was also putting on new lights. I remember being in the back examining the tail light and wiring while also investigating how or if the tailgate was wired. I noticed also that the new wiring was on the outside of the truck and I considered what it would take to rewire it on the inside. I was also finding it odd that I could not understand how the tail light was mechanically attached but didnt bother myself with that much. (This dream speaks of the renewing of my mind! The external wiring and lights are symbols of my senses and new restrictions being placed upon my thinking by the law of grace and truth. Im also reminded of how every cycle of growth ends with separation and my confusion concerning the mechanical aspects of this truck (carnal) were overlaid with my interest in these new lights and wires. The investigation of the tailgate represent future restrictions which are being planned by God in order to free me from the bondages of my thinking patterns.) Example #6 In another dream, I was in a class that was due to take a test. I really didnt want to take it yet but found myself doing it anyway. The test involved meeting with a man and seeing how we could develop our relationship and communication. The test started when we plugged in a clock and another appliance. As we began to share back and forth, I was amazed how well it was going and soon our relationship became rich and rewarding and I didnt want to stop taking the test. I noted then that I had passed the test with flying colors so well that the return portion of the test was waived. We had developed a permanent bond that didnt need retesting. (I believe this dream may be about developing the 3 Cs and becoming more fluent in communicating Christ through the law of charity. The clock is saying that it is time for this to happen but it requires effort and overcoming shyness and feelings of lack. The result is well worth it and the bond with Christ is a permanent one that doesnt require a retest once a certain level is reached. We maintain our relationship and grow through the communication of charity on a regular basis. It was an edifying dream to wake up from.) Example #7 Last night I had a vision of muscle mass and sinews being separated by a meat cleaver. Two things were brought to mind: 1) This is the separation of the flesh from the bone and joints. It shows that the work of the Spirit is sharp like a knife and separates the soul and the spirit discerning the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12). 2) This seemed to represent some cutting away of the aspirations and principle of Adam, circumcision of the flesh. The other thought I had was about the preparation of our sacrifices (meat). I was going to post it but am not entirely sure on the interpretation. Example #8 I had a dream where I was told by somebody that I smelled. They were quick to point out that it wasnt so much a bad smell but offensive because it was so strong. I asked a few other people who all confirmed this for me (I have no sense of smell). This dream also had to do with new printers I was working with. I was asked to set up communications to them from several people. The last wanted to know if I could make it work with many people at once: networked communications. I had another dream (or perhaps more details of the first one) where I was noticing machines in our shop which we had built. Some major projects had been rejected by the customer and we were worried about being shut down. (This dream speaks of the perspective of my old man noticing the changes taking place. As the work of Christ continues in me, the smell of Christ is permeating through me and is offensive to that which is not of God. The new printers show again a communication device in which Im assisting in the communication side of this. The new ones worked flawlessly while our old ones were not working well at all. This must speak concerning my old communication being corrupt while now it is perfect. This also deals with increased understanding concerning the need to communicate with others both one-on-one and in assembly [and student board {networking}]. This part about equipment being rejected shows the best efforts of my flesh to persuade my will are being rejected. This chamber being identified [or network of chambers] is facing a complete shutdown of operations while being replaced entirely by the work of Christ!! Praise God!!) Example #9 I was in an building where this irritating woman was telling me I needed to wash my clothes. Then she rolled out a rack of clothes she said were mine. I could see they were sort of musty and old, not having been worn recently. There were several animal print blouses, some brightly colored items, and costumes, but I didnt recognize any of them as mine. She was nagging me to wash all these clothes. I felt I just didnt want to do it...didnt want those clothes. so I left the building. Interpretation: Clothing can represent this case old ones that could be of my adam nature (animal print blouse), a shield we present to the world (costume) and the woman could represent a part of me that still gives me a nagging feeling that I need to make my frailty look better... cleaner looking. The fact that I didnt recognize the clothing as mine and didnt want to wash it seemed to show that through changes of regeneration we dont need to wash our old attitudes, or don an old shield or facade, we just leave them behind because they arent ours anymore. God doesnt clean up our attitudes so the animal nature looks good...but through our cycles of growth we change so through the fruit of Christ, we leave behind the mindset of the flesh and He becomes our shield. We no longer have to wear the shields we used to for protection, identity, aspiration. Example #10 I was in bed with my wife and my son was missing (he is 4 years old) my wife was saying oh it should be ok hell be fine. But I had to get out of bed and go and find him, and I found him across the road playing football. Interpretation: This dream speaks of your two natures (husband and wife) along with the fruit (offspring). You are being healed from the results of your working with iniquity which is represented by your son (fruit) which draws upon you to leave your bed (the place of rest) to chase after his game playing (lack of responsibility). In this dream your wife (soul) was telling you (spirit) that it would be ok because your soul is finding completion as you are resting (staying in bed) with Christ. You left the bed (place of rest) because of suggestions which stirred your fears and imaginations and caused you to leave the bed to chase after the influence of that which God is healing you from. This is a very good dream which shows you Christ working in you to provide for your rest. Example #11 There was a klu klux klan meeting and I was going, meeting up with others to disrupt the meeting. I had my son with me. After the meeting I got involved in a row with some guy who said that he is waiting across the road to fight with me. I said ok but went home because I was carrying my son. Interpretation: This dream is also a level one regeneration dream showing you what God is addressing. The KKK meeting is the influence of Satan which brings division and works with inequity to enflame the passions and direct the imaginations. In this dream your son represents the fruit of faith which you are caring for by remaining joined to Christ. The guy who wanted to fight you across the street was on the other side of the boundaries of the covenant. He was trying to draw upon you to cross the street (transgress the covenant) where you and your son (fruit) would be vulnerable to Satan’s attacks. You remained on your side of the street and returned home being mindful of the fruit of faith. This dream shows the result of your faith increasing as you are becoming more consistent with the tools. You are beginning to see the value of keeping your tender young fruit in God’s care as being far greater than the value of your pride which was bruised by the challenge coming from outside of the covenant (across the street).
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 22:23:19 +0000

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