Clearly, I dont know the law. Thats why I have a membership that - TopicsExpress


Clearly, I dont know the law. Thats why I have a membership that provides me access to attorneys, even in emergencies. I remember when we didnt have this service. My daughter was arrested for a petty theft she didnt do and my husband was arrested for pulling her out of the police car. He was on the phone with my uncle, an attorney. The officer asked him for ID. He said, Im on the phone with my attorney and got bent over the hood of the police car and cuffed. From this, I learned that if your first couple of responses are polite and respectful, you might not get such bad treatment. Cops should be able to protect themselves. Securing someone that may or may not be a suspect is far better than tazing or shooting them. They dont know anything about you or what they are walking into. In this scenario, the officer was looking for a criminal, and had no idea whether or not this guy was the one he was looking for. Although there was not a lot of rude belligerence, there was enough that the officer felt impeded. The gentleman in question had every right to film what was going on, but only if he was approached first. He just started filming and that drew the officers attention, then he started throwing his so called legal weight around, which seemed a bit like an attempt to intimidate the officer. It could have been handled much more smoothly and respectfully, even though the guy was in the right, too. I am not taking anyones side. I just believe that everyone should be safe. There is a difference between knowing your rights and muscling them around and knowing your rights and using them appropriately. What I would have done in that mans shoes is given my name, explained my purse was wherever and ASKED PERMISSION to get it, possibly with a police escort. If the officer wanted to pat me down, I would have asked why. Of course, I would have to realize that if Im out there filming, it looks like I am involved even if Im not. If it were to get to the point where I was going to be detained, I would ASK PERMISSION to contact my attorney and discuss the matter with him. I would show the officer my emergency card from the wonderful legal organization I am so happy to be associated with, and PRAY that I could stay calm and respectful through it all.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 22:50:04 +0000

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